Chapter 13

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Trigger warnings: Yelling, swearing

Tommy's POV

"TOMMY LISTEN FOR ONE FUCKING MOMENT TO ME!" Wilbur yelled. I flinched. "Sorry. But come on now! Y/N wouldn't do that! She hates that man maybe even more then me!" I was shaking. Wilbur has been yelling at me for the past hour, because I told him about why I chose for the discs and Tubbo, not for Y/N. I told him about the hug. I told him that I instantly ran away when I saw that. He told me to man up. He told me to not believe everything I saw. But how? "Tommy?" I saw the older man slowly walking up to me. "Tommy, are you alright?" He asked me. And then something in my mind snapped. "NO OF COURSE NOT!" At first I didn't notice the tears on my face, but now I did. I wiped them away and look at my hands. Shaking. I felt a pair of arms around me. Wilbur. "I should've never yelled at you like that. I'm so so sorry." He shushed me until I stopped shaking. "You know, Y/N could've been in the same state as you for example." Wil told me. "Yeah, but she also could have a soft spot for our fucking enemy!" Wil shook his head. "I don't know her that well, but I can tell you, she doesn't!" I turned around and walked out of the camarvan. I didn't know where I wanted to go, so I just decided to walk around outside the walls from L'Manburg. I just wanted to be gone here for a while. Just a small little vacation, while we're still fighting to get back a friend of ours. "Tom?" I heard. Great, Tubbo probably heard me and Wilburs argument. "Is everything alright?" I shook my head, and pushed him aside. He almost tripped on the ground, but catched himself just in time. "Tommy, come back before sunset, please?" I nodded, not even listening to what one of my best friends said.


I'm done with this place. I wanna leave. These boys drive me insane. Their constant bickering, Dream who's trying to be the good guy, their stupid sense of humor! I was lying in my room overthinking every life choice I've ever made. Why did I even wanna go to Techno? I could've asked if he wanted to visit me instead of me visiting him. I shouldn't have accepted Wilburs invitation to sleep in L'manburg. I should've gone to Techno's base, I shouldn't be so close with the boys. "Y/N?" UGH! And now I was imagining Tommy's voice in my head. I am an absolute idiot. "Y/N, jesus christ!" Wait- I walked towards the window, with iron bars in front. "Y/N! Hi!" Tom- Tommy was climbing out of some random bushes? That- Why- How is Tommy here? He had no idea where Dream lived, hell! They even called Dream homeless! Why is he even here? Is that really Tommy? "Tom- Tommy?" I said, the only thing that could leave my mouth were sounds of confusing.c Why did he decide that now? He really is slow with realizing things..

Tommy POV

I walked out of L'manburg, without any goal. I strolled in the woods for about an hour, when I saw a gigantic base, very hidden. I walked towards the front door, and read the sign. "Dream Team Base. If you can read this, you are way to close." I mumbled. Why are they this far from the Dream SMP? What if a gigantic war randomly will happen, and they won't know? I felt an arrow going in the wall next to me. "Tommy, leave, or I'll shoot in your heart, instead of in the wall." Sapnap told me. I snickered. He tried to be all cool and shit, but that sounded so weak. "Sorry, sorry. Is this the real Dream Team base?" I asked him. He nodded, but then started loading his bow. "Yes Tommy, but you have to leave now." I quickly got away, running back to L'Manberg, which took me another half an hour, because I got a bit lost, but when I was in L'Manberg, I grabbed a rope, some more food, and I quickly ran away, ignoring the shouts behind me, from Wilbur, Niki, and Fundy. "Hi Tommy! What are you up to?" Tubbo asked me, but I (once again) pushed him aside. On my way back to Dreams' base, I overthought the plan once more. So, I'd ask her to break the window, gave her the rope, so she could attach it somewhere and climb down. After 20 minutes (I started to get to know the route) I walked back to her base..

"Y/N?" I called for her around the base, not too loud, to make sure Sapnap wouldn't get to me again. "Y/N, jesus christ!" It stayed silent, but then I heard some shuffling, so I quickly hid in the bushes. I saw her staring out of the window, but it seemed like she had bars in front of her window.. "Y/N, hi!" I climbed out of the bushes. "Tom- Tommy?" She said. I mentally facepalmed."Y/N, jeez. Hi! I'm here to rescue you!" I grabbed my rope that I dropped out of stress. "Smash the window for me please. We have to do this fast!" She shook her head. No? "Tommy, as much as I appreciate this rescue mission," she chuckled. "I have iron bars in front of my windows, and once they will find me.." she became silent. "They will take you and Tubbo as well. I'm very sorry, and I do forgive you for choosing the fucking discs over me, but I don't want to. I don't want to hurt you and I don't want you guys to suffer. Thanks though." I felt the tears in my eyes coming. "Please? I miss you.."

Wordcount: 968

Yeahh, so I just got my first ranking???



Thanks for the 40 reads thoughhh <33

Author <3

Please? I miss you.. / A Minecraft AU / Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now