Alien Mafia News

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Short Chapter Trey in the picture

Scott's POV

After doing some research on this so called mafia I have learned several things. First the leaders name is Trey and he has a small group of followers. His second in command is Mike and his third is Luke. These are the three men that assaulted Gavin. They seem to be a small mafia and only deal drugs and sell guns on the black market. Nothing too crazy, but still could be considered dangerous.

I have some under cover guys getting me some intel on them and what they found is interesting and slightly disturbing. Apparently the leader actually feels bad for what he did to Gavin and knows that he belongs to Anders. Anders is well known obviously. It sounds like he wants to make things right with Anders in hopes to become allies with him. I call Anders and let him know to be expecting a phone call from Trey. He doesn't seem convinced, but I told him he might as well hear the guy out. The other weird thing is one of my guys said they heard Trey say that he thinks Gavin might be his mate.

This definitely would complicate things for everyone. I make sure to tell Anders this as well and to say he wasn't happy would be an understatement. I feel bad for Gavin and Anders, but what can we do.

Hopefully they can work something out and at least become allies if nothing more. If Trey really is Gavin's mate also then Anders will not be able to keep them away. I wonder if Trey and Anders would be mates also. I guess we will have to wait and see. This could go really well or could end horribly. I will hope for the first option.

I fill in Carter on this news and he seem shocked. Anyone would be, so I don't blame him. He's been asking to see Gavin, but I don't think he's ready to see anyone besides Anders for now. Maybe they can get together later on. I feel for my friend and his mate! Shit just keeps getting weirder. I hope everyone is ready for the shit show that's about to start!!!

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