Chapter 19

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I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! :)

"Reece is your daughter?!" Mark asked, blinking is disbelief.
"She is... I got separated from her when Harper caught me. I sent her with my allies so he wouldn't find her, but... She must have found her way back somehow," Leo explained, sighing and rubbing his head. "This is a disaster. Total disaster! We have to get my daughter back."
Ryan frowned. "Leo, calm down... We'll get her back."
Spyder, Harris, and Mark nodded in agreement.
They got back to base. Not long after, Harris's phone rang.
"It's Seth!" Harris exclaimed. "What do I do?!"
Leo reached for it, and Harris handed it over.

- - - - -

"Harris! So glad you answered buddy," Seth exclaimed. "So, about the deal with the robot... I sent help. Why'd you guys bounce?"
"Save it, Harper," Leo said. "I told them already."
Seth stopped in his tracks. "...Leo! Imagine my surprise that you escaped in one piece... You never knew when to quit, did you?"
"What did you do with Reece?" Leo questioned, ignoring his question.
Seth shook his head and kept walking. "Relax, Leo... She's fine. Despite our history, I'm willing to offer you and Ryan's team a spot in my new world."
"Not happening," Leo said without hesitation.
"New world?" Ryan asked.
"Ryan! Buddy! So glad you're there... Maybe you can help Leo see reason... The state of the world is a mess, and I plan to fix it. It's pretty simple, really."
"Why are we against this again?" Spyder asked.
"Because he wants to destroy this world and billions of people to get it!" Leo revealed.
"What?!" Ryan said. "Seth, why?!"
"They had their chance, and they blew it. But I'm giving you an opportunity to be part of my new world. Are you in or out, Mech-X4?" Seth asked.
"Not happening," Leo repeated.
Ryan, Mark, Spyder, and Harris exchanged a look. Once they were in agreement, Ryan spoke up.
"We're not joining you, dingus! And we're not letting you destroy innocent people!" Ryan said.
Seth laughed. "Oh really? Wrong choice. I gave you a chance, and you blew it. The robot's in shambles, Ryan, and if you try to stand in my way, your team will be first to be destroyed."
The call ended.
"...what now?" Spyder asked.
"We need," Harris stated.
"If we all pitch in, maybe it's doable," Mark said.
"Right... Let's get to work!" Ryan agreed.

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