Chapter 21

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"Ryan!" Harper greeted from the monster he was controlling. "I see Leo is full of surprises... This is your last chance. Surrender, and I won't tear you apart."
"Ryan, there are three monsters - Seth's and two others," Harris stated. "I don't know if-"
"We can take it!" Spyder said. "As long as our weapons are working, we can do it if you help us, Harris. You're the smart one - figure out how we can do this."
Mark nodded. "We don't have a choice. We have to fight, Harris. The world's at stake."
"Okay... Okay," Harris said, running a hand through his hair. "I vote we focus on the two non-controlled monsters first. Any objections?"
"Sounds like a plan," Ryan agreed. He turned back to the screen showing the outside world. "Seth, we're not surrendering. One of us is going down, and it's going to be you, dingus!"
He punched one of the monsters, causing it to fall over.
Seth sighed. "So, we're doing this the hard way... Fine. I'm done trying to give you extra chances. You're outnumbered, Ryan. You can stall, but this is over before it even started."
"That's what you think," Ryan replied, fighting.

- - - - -

Reece managed to cut the wires to disable the electronic lock. She slowly walked out, looking around then running down the hall. She didn't know where she was going, but she had to get out of here fast. Who knows what Seth was up to now? She rounded a corner then stopped when she saw two guards.
"Hey! You're that kid. What are you doing out of your room? It's not safe!" the guard said.
"Uh... Stretching my legs?" Reece suggested, smiling sheepishly.
"Come on, let's get you back to your room," the guard said, grabbing her arm.
"No! Let go of me!" Reece said, struggling to get her arm free.
The guard behind them suddenly fell with a thud.
"What in the-?" the guard said, letting go and turning toward the sound.
"Hi. Leo sends his regards," Kayla said, knocking him out too.
"Kayla!" Reece said, smiling and hugging her tightly. "Oh my gosh, I was so worried... Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Are you okay?" Kayla asked, hugging back tightly.
"I'm fine," Reece said, pulling away. "What happened to you anyway?"
"It's a long story, so I'll let your father explain," Kayla said, grabbing her hand and pulling her off. "But in the confusion from Seth's plan, I managed to escape."
"Wait... We're going to see my dad?" Reece asked, smiling brightly. "Let's go!"

- - - - -

Leo was working on repairs for the mech, hurrying as much as he could.
"Leo!" Kayla called, walking in.
"Kayla! I thought something happened to you... That would've been a bummer," Leo said, turning to face her. "I-... Reece?!"
Reece blinked in surprise and smiled. "Hi..."
Kayla smiled, watching them both frozen in surprise. "Reece, this is your father - Leo Mendel."
Reece slowly walked over and hugged him tightly. "I don't remember a lot, but... It's really nice to see you."
"It's been a long time," Leo agreed, hugging back tightly. "A very, very long time, really. I'm sorry I wasn't able to come back sooner, kid. Seth had me hostage in one of his facilities."
"I'm glad Ryan was able to get you out. We got your message," Reece said.
"Did Seth hurt you? Are you okay?" Leo asked, pulling away and looking her over worriedly.
"Seth was actually... Really nice to me despite the fact that he was the one who took you away in the first place. He told me about his crazy plan- whoa, what happened to the robot?"
"The rescue was a bit lacking in the rescue department," Leo explained. "I have to finish these repairs or Ryan won't be able to stop Seth."
"I'll help!" Reece offered.
" with technology?" Leo said, smiling.
Reece smiled back, nodding. "I guess I'm more like you than I knew. Come on, let's hurry! We have to help Ryan stop Seth."
Leo nodded. "Right! Let's get to work!"
He picked up a tool and resumed repairing. Reece grabbed a tool and helped too. While they worked, Leo filled Reece in on everything she missed.

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