Chapter 11

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"The girl... Why are you hiding her?" Seth asked with his voice filter.
Leo just glared weakly at him, maintaining silence.
"Is she the pilot?" Seth asked, ignoring him.
More silence.
"Answer me!" Seth said with annoyance.
"I'm not telling you anything," Leo stated weakly. "I told you already... I won't give you anything."
Seth sighed and thought through his options. There was a knock on the door. "This isn't over."
He ended the voice transmission and closed out the windows on his computer. "Come in."
Reece smiled. "Hey! Guess what I just found?"
Seth tilted his head slightly, hoping it wasn't anything about his side job. "What's up?"
Reece held up the prototype Harper Phone 7. "I was looking at the design and noticed a flaw that could cause the phones to short circuit in humid climates, so I thought maybe if the flaw was fixed and water resistance was added, it might help?"
She walked over and handed it to him.
Seth raised his eyebrows and looked at the design. "You did all this since we got here?"
Reece nodded. "Yep! ...uh, I hope you don't mind..."
"Of course not. I don't mind at all. Once a few more quality tests are run, water resistance will really put this phone ahead of the competition. Great job," Seth smiled.
Reece smiled back. "Oh, um... Thanks! Maybe I could work with Harris sometimes?"
Seth nodded. "I think that sounds like a great idea... Is he here yet?"
Reece smiled. "I'll go check!"
She walked out to go look for him.
Seth looked down at the phone and thought quietly, wondering if she was the pilot... If she was, what would he do? And even if she wasn't, she definitely had Leo's way with technology... She was beginning to grow on him, and that scared him more than anything. Would he be able to do what needed to be done if he grew an attachment to the kid?

Reece walked over, smiling. "Hey, Harris! There you are."
"Oh, hey Reece. How have you been?" Harris asked.
"Good! I have a new room and Seth said I could work with you doing stuff sometimes too," Reece explained.
Harris nodding, sighing longingly. "I wish Seth Harper would pop in and take me, not that anything's wrong! He's just my hero."
Reece laughed. "He's definitely really nice."
Harris smiled and nodded. "So...are you and Ryan...?"
"Are me and Ryan what?" Reece asked.
"I mean, are you guys good?" Harris asked.
"Oh! Um..." Reece shrugged. "I haven't talked to him since Friday... I figured maybe we can talk on Monday."
Harris nodded. "Seems fair... So, where do I go?"
Reece smiled and pulled him off. "Come on!"

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