Chapter 7

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The monster put her down at a random location in the middle of no where and then left. She looked around, confused, and then the masked figure from before showed up.
"Reece, where is the information?" the person questioned.
"What information?! What are you talking about?" Reece cried. "Who are you people?!"
"The robot's builder hid the information he obtained somewhere with Kayla. It must be in your house and I want to know where. Tell me!" the person demanded.
Reece huffed in annoyance. "I don't even know what information you're talking about! Whatever craziness she's involved in, she never told me about it! Leave me out of this!"
"I don't doubt your honesty. You're just a child. But I need that chip! Whatever's on it is the key to stopping that robot!"
Reece shrugged. "Sorry I couldn't be of more help?"
The figure paused, eyeing her. "Who are you? You're clearly adopted..."
"I don't know. Kayla never told me anything!" Reece cried exasperatedly.
The figure was silent for a moment. "We're watching you, Reece."
With that, the person got back in the van from before and drove off. Reece just sighed and sat down. She had no doubts that Ryan would find her...eventually.

The monster returned shortly after, barely in time for Mark to finish the repairs so Ryan could go after the monster, much to Ryan's impaitence.
"Let's take this thing down and find Reece!" Ryan yelled, jumping and punching the monster with the plasma fist out of primarily frusteration.
It turned to ooze and Ryan pulled out his phone, using technopathy to trace Reece's phone. He then jumped off towards her location.
"What was up with the monster?" Mark asked.
Spyder shrugged. "The people behind the monsters might have wanted her?"
"That could be it," Harris agreed. "She seems to be more involved than we understand."
Ryan hadn't said anything, continuing to jump towards their destination with focus.
"Ryan, are you alright?" Harris asked.
"I'm fine... I'm just trying to get to Reece as quickly as I can," Ryan dismissed Harris' concern.
" the way, Ryan... We all know you like her," Spyder said.
"True dat," Harris agreed.
Ryan stopped and the power flickered slightly in response to his power. "What?! I- guys- you- I- she-..."
Mark rolled his eyes. "Stop denying it, dingus."
"Go on...?" Harris urged.
"Okay! Fine! Maybe! Let's... Let's just get her back before something worse happens," Ryan dismissed their claims.
He continued jumping, a bit faster now, when he finally noticed her and slowed down, stepping on her with the robot elevator foot. He unclipped the belt and hurried over to the elevator.
"Reece! What happened? Are you okay?" Ryan asked urgently.
Harris and Spyder exchanged a knowing look.
Reece walked out of the elevator and sat down against the wall. "I'm... I'm fine... It dropped me off here... And the person from before questioned me about some information to 'stop the robot' that apparently the robot's creator gave Kayla."
"Do you know where it is? Do they have it?" Ryan asked again with growing urgency.
"Not really... And I don't think so. They seemed desperate, Ryan," Reece explained quietly.
Mark grinned. "Good... That means what we're doing is working."
"Don't get too confident yet," Harris warned.
"Wait... I just remembered the computer chip," Reece stood with renewed energy. "In my necklace... Maybe that's it! Let's try it!"
She popped the cover off and took out the computer chip, handing it to Ryan, who quickly put it into a slot. At first, the screen went blank. Reece frowned at first, but then it lit up again. It was another message from the robot creator guy.
"If you're watching this, my message and my messenger have made it to you, Ryan," Leo began.
"I'm a messenger?" Reece wondered aloud.
"Reece, if you're watching this... Hey."
He wore a sad smile as if he knew she didn't recall him, which she didn't.
"The robot's schematics are on this chip. They will be of use as a map and for your mechanic. Never let your guard down, Ryan. And..." He paused, hesitating. "...And if I'm gone... Which would definitely be a bummer... Don't give up. Fight to protect Bay City... And the world."
The message disappeared and schematics appeared on the screen.
"But why would you...? How did he know who you two...? What?!" Harris only voiced a few of his questions.
Reece still stared at the screen, as she did when Leo was still on it. She bit her lip and frowned, wondering who he was. What was happening with Kayla. What was happening at all.
Suddenly, Mark yelled, "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!"
"What is it?" Ryan asked.
"Mom said to be home for dinner because she's inviting her boyfriend!" Mark grumbled.
"Oh boy..." Ryan muttered.
"He better treat her right!" Spyder said.
"Dude, that's my mom!" Ryan said.
"Sorry, sorry..." Spyder rolled his eyes.
Reece sat back down, in a quiet shock. Alienated from their distraction, she was focused on one thing and one thing only. That man was familiar... But how?

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