Chapter 6

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Mark strolled across the street and rang the doorbell. He was waiting when he noticed a black van parked on the street. He frowned and tried the front was unlocked. He ran upstairs and saw someone wearing black with a matching mask in Reece's room. Reece was unconscious and the person was searching her room.
"Hey! What...? Who are you?!" Mark demanded.
The figure quickly dove out the window before Mark could react. Mark ran over to Reece, picked her up, and walked downstairs. He headed back for his house. The van sped off and Mark rushed back in the house, setting Reece down on the couch.
"What happened now?!" Ryan asked. "Is she okay?"
Mark sighed. "Some...person was in her room. She was unconscious and they were searching for... I dunno... Something."
Harris tapped his chin in thought. "Well, now there's no doubt. She's not on their side."
Ryan nodded in agreement. "Definitely not. I knew it from the start."
"What do you guys think they were looking for?" Spyder asked.
Mark shrugged. "I'm not sure.."
"I don't even think she knows," Harris added.
Ryan shook her gently. "Reece? Reece, wake up!"
Reece mumbled something, eyes slowly opening.
Her eyes suddenly widened and she sat up. "Where did they go?!"
Ryan was slightly surprised by that reaction. "Whoa, whoa... Reece, it's us."
Reece looked around and relaxed slightly. "What happened...?"
"I came over to apologize and I noticed the van. The door was unlocked so I tried to find you and I saw someone in your room. They left when they saw me, but... You were unconscious, so I brought you back here," Mark explained.
Reece looked slightly surprised. "Oh... Well... Thanks, Mark."
"And by the way... I'm sorry about before. Are we good?" Mark asked.
Reece thought for a moment then nodded. "Yeah... We're good."
"Mark said they were looking for something... Any idea what they were looking for?" Harris asked.
Reece shrugged. "Who knows? Probably something of Kayla's."
"Then why were they in your room?" Spyder asked.
Reece shrugged. "No clue... But I'm very upset they broke into my house! Not cool!"
"We need to keep Reece safe. Especially with people after her, monsters not trying to hurt her... It's... Something is clearly going on," Harris spoke.
"Agreed... You should stay with us," Ryan said.
"Okay... Might as wel-" Reece began.
Spyder looked up from his phone. "Uh guys... Cassy is streaming from school. There's a monster."
"Let's go, guys!" Ryan said.
The five all hurried to Mark's car and drove off.

"This is Cassy Parks streaming live from Bay City High. A monster is attacking the school! Various after school clubs are fleeing the grounds- It's Mech X4!"
Mech X4 landed and fired the canon arm at the monster.
"Hey, Reece, wanna see if the monster won't eat you again?" Spyder asked.
Reece thought for a moment and grinned. "Good idea, Spyder! Let's see."
"Wait, Reece, don't-" Ryan began.
Before he could finish, Reece already went down the elevator and out of the robot.
"I know you're concerned for her, Ryan, but this could give us some answers," Harris explained.
"I was kidding..." Spyder shrugged. "But okay."
Mark shook his head. "We're supposed to beat this thing. What now? Just wait to see if it tries to hurt her?"
"Um... I don't know?" Ryan shrugged. "We didn't really think it through... Harris?"
Harris thought for a moment. "Just stay back and watch, while we're evacuating the people?"
"This is why we need a Harris," Ryan commented, doing like Harris suggested.

Reece walked closer to the monster, eyes scanning over it in curiousity. Despite all the running people, Reece Stephens stood perfectly still, staring up at it. The monster picked up a dumpster, noticed her, and instead threw it towards some running teens. Mech X4 caught the dumpster and threw it right back at the monster. It hit the monster in the head and it fell, causing the earth to quake a bit. Reece tried to keep her balance, but she fell.
"It didn't eat her. Now can we get her back inside the robot?" Ryan asked.
"It'd be too dangerous. There aren't as many people around anymore. They might know she's involved with the robot," Harris said.
"Good point," Mark agreed.
Reece watched as the monster and robot fought. Suddenly, while they were distracted, the monster's claws scratched the robot.
Her eyes widened in horror and she ran over to the robot. "No!"
Ryan cried out, falling to his knees. "Ow... Ugh..."
"Ryan! Are you okay?" Spyder hurried over to his friend, helping Ryan up.
"I... ugh... I'll be fine..." Ryan muttered. "Let's get the plasma punch to take this thing down."
During that exchange, Reece stood inbetween the monster and the robot, looking panicked. "Stop fighting!"
The monster backed away from her for a moment. It scanned her and then picked her up, put her on its head, and ran off. Reece, terrified, clung on only because of the fear of the long drop.
"Hey, where's it going?" Spyder asked.
"Uh... Ryan...?" Harris hesitated.
"What now?" Ryan asked in frusteration.
"...The monster has Reece..." Harris finished.

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