Chapter 2

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Reece walked home from school and unlocked the door with her house key. She tossed her bookbag by the front door, already done with her homework, and ran upstairs. She was playing with her necklace when a piece fell off. She looked at it and there was a computer chip. She took it out and popped the other part back on. She hesitantly stuck it in her computer, but it just crashed the computer. A message appeared saying, 'invalid computer: message failed'. She took it out and the computer was fine. She frowned. Which computer was she supposed to put it in? It could be any one in the world. She noticed a symbol and thought it looked very, very familiar... She hid the chip and decided to think about it later. She then began reading sci-fi, having nothing else to do.

The next day...

Reece was outside during PE, just reading. She wasn't a huge fan of sports as it was, but they were playing tag - a child's sport. Out of nowhere, there were loud stomps coming closer and closer. Reece turned to look and there it was... A huge monster! Her eyes widened and she put her book in her bookbag. It came closer and closer and people began to run away, screaming. Not Reece. She stood and stared at the monster in curiousity, wondering where it came from and what it was. She walked closer, seeming very calm. The monster seemed to notice her and roared at her. She showed no reaction so he stomped over and picked her up. She was slightly scared, but she showed no signs of fear.
She simply stared at it and whispered, "What are you?"
The monster stared at her, waiting. She didn't show any signs of resistance, fear, or a threat. The monster simply stared at her for a moment then set her back down. She backed away slightly and the monster stomped back over to a crowd of screaming people. The principal was shocked the monster didn't destroy her. It picked up a dumpster and started to throw it at some teens, but suddenly, a robot landed, unintentionally stepping on Reece. She was terrified, eyes widening in fear. Familiarity started rushing into her head. The robot... It was... But so many years ago... Something went wrong... What happened? What memory was she missing? She felt strange...
"Uh... Ryan...?" Spyder said.
"Not the time, not the time!" Harris yelled in panic, barely managing to get the shields up. "Bam! Shields!"
Ryan grinned. "Okay, let's finish this!"
"You got this, bro," Mark encouraged.
"Spyder, plasma punch?" Ryan asked.
"Plasma punch," Spyder agreed.
Ryan waited for the monster to come closer. "...NOW!"
Spyder pushed the button and Ryan punched the monster, turning it into ooze.
"Yes!" Ryan cheered.
"Dang, son!" Harris exclaimed.
"Good job, bro," Mark agreed.
"Let's get back, guys," Harris said.
"Sounds like a plan," Ryan agreed, jumping. The robot reacted to his movements...mimicking them...
Reece crawled out of the elevator, eyes still wide with shock. She sat against the wall, clinging to a pipe tightly.
When they got back, Ryan remembered Spyder had started to say something earlier.
"Hey, Spyder, what were you going to say before?" Ryan asked, unclipping the belt and turning around.
Spyder blinked for a moment. "Oh yeah! You accidently stepped on the new girl and she's over there."
He pointed at Reece, who looked like she was in shock, still clinging to the pipe even though the robot was completely still.
Mark, Ryan, and Harris all looked at her and then exchanged a look. "Uh oh..."
Reece finally let go of the pipe and took a deep breath, shakily standing. "I got picked up by a monster, stepped on by a giant robot, and you're part of this...craziness, Ryan?!"
Ryan walked over to her. "Yes... I can control this robot... And when the monster attacked, we defeated it to keep everyone safe."
"Wait, the monster picked you up?" Harris asked.
Reece nodded, still looking like she was slightly in shock.
Harris thought for a moment. "Strange... Then what?"
"He put me down because I stayed calm, I think... Maybe... I don't know! What is this...this robot?" Reece asked.
Harris began thinking, wondering about Reece and the monster.
Mark climbed down the ladder. "Hi, I'm Mark. Ryan's older - and awesome - brother."
She waved. "...Hi..."
"I think Reece might be just as involved in this as you are, Ryan," Harris said.
Ryan looked surprised, but nodded in agreement. "Let's show her the message about Mech X4."
The rest of the team nodded in agreement and Ryan's eyes lit up, making the message play again on the screen. Reece watched carefully and frowned in thought. "Wait... That's the symbol..."
"I think Reece might need some rest..." Harris said.
"Definitely," Mark and Ryan agreed.
Reece frowned. "I'm fine... The monster just...then I thought I was going to be squished like a bug...and..."
Ryan frowned. "I'm sorry, Reece."
Reece shook her head. "It's fine... But I need to get home. I'll see you at school."
"Remember..." Spyder warned. "It's a secret!"
Reece nodded slightly. "Secret... Got i-"
She stepped into the elevator and finally passed out. She had tried resisting her shock too long. Mark quickly caught her and set her down against the wall.
"Guess we need to take her home then, dingus," Mark said. "Good job."
Ryan sighed. "Sorry, guys. It's easy to step on people, alright?"
"I think she was supposed to be here... The monster tried to attack everyone else... How did she stay so calm? I have so many questions..." Harris rambled.
"Which we'll find the answers to...later," Ryan said. "For now, let's get her home."

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