Chapter 3

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Reece woke up to her alarm the next morning. She sat up and rubbed her head, yawning. She She huffed, whacked the alarm off, and stood shakily. She walked out of her room, wondering if the entire thing with the robot had been a dream...
"Reece! How are you feeling? Do you need to stay home from school?" Kayla questioned.
"I... I'm fine... But what happened?" Reece asked.
"Two of your classmates said you passed out during the monster attack and they brought you home. The Walker kids... Very nice. Did you know they actually live across the street?"
Reece remembered talking to them yesterday... It could have very possibly been real. Not a dream...
"That's nice of them," Reece said, walking downstairs. "I'm hungry... What's for breakfast?"
Kayla followed. "I got your favorite cereal... How about some orange juice? You should take your vitamins, too!"
She laughed, sitting down with the cereal. "Okay, okay, Kayla..."
Kayla smiled sheepishly, handing her some orange juice. "I'm sorry, Reece, but I was just very worried... I shouldn't have put you at risk by bringing you here with the monsters... We might just have to move agai-"
"No!" Reece cried. "Please don't... I feel perfectly safe thanks to that robot. We don't need to move!"
Kayla looked at her for a moment and then reluctantly nodded. "Alright... I see you share your father's fascination with technology."
Reece sighed. "I wish you could tell me more about him... And what was my mom like?"
Kayla smiled sadly. "I wish I could tell you, but it could put you in danger, Reece."
Reece sighed. "I understand..."
Kayla ruffled Reece's hair. "Better hurry. Mark and Ryan offered you a ride to school."
Reece quickly stood. "Oh! See you, Kayla!"
Kayla smiled slightly and left for her job at Harper Futuristics.
Reece ran upstairs, got dressed, and brushed her hair and teeth. She then ran back downstairs, grabbed her backpack, and hurried across the street. She hesitated for a moment and then knocked on the front door.
The door was opened by, Reece presumed, Mrs. Walker. "You must be Reece! I'm glad your mom told you. Come in."
Reece smiled, walking inside hesitantly. "Hi, nice to meet you."
She smiled. "The boys are in the kitchen. They should be ready to leave soon. I'm heading to work, but it was nice meeting you."
"Nice meeting you too," Reece returned the smile.
Grace waved and then left, shutting the door behind her. Reece hesitantly walked in the kitchen and saw Mark and Ryan.
Reece waved. "Uh...hi."
"I'm glad you made it," Ryan said. "Do you remember yesterday?"
Reece nodded. "I think so... The monster, the robot... But... How'd you know where I live?"
"When you passed out, I used my abilities as a technopath to find where you live from your phone so we could take you home."
Reece tensed at the word technopath. "Technopathy... The ability to control technology... How'd you get it?"
"I'm not really sure..." Ryan admitted. "But I have it and I'm the only one who can control the robot."
"Why are we trusting her again?" Mark asked.
Ryan gave him a look. "Because, Mark, she knows already. Besides... She seems to be involved in this too."
"I wonder if..." Reece began, then shook her head. "Nevermind."
"Well, we actually do need to go to school," Mark said. "The school would miss me if I was gone. Let's go."
Mark grabbed his keys and walked into the garage. Ryan and Reece followed, getting in. Mark began driving to school.
"So... What happened with that monster exactly? Why didn't it hurt you?" Ryan asked.
Reece thought for a moment. "Honestly... I'm not sure. I just remained calm and tried not to resist. It's clearly not controlled... It's like an animal..."
"So you stayed calm and it just decided not to destroy you? I'm not buying it. How do we know you're not involved with the monster attacks? I mean, you moved here a bit after the monsters started attacki-" Mark began.
"Mark! She's not involved with the monster attacks!" Ryan interrupted. "Not cool."
Mark parked the car in the school parking lot.
Reece sighed. "No. I'm not a Mech X4 person like you guys, obviously... I'm not with the monster people. I didn't even know there were monster people... You guys have your interesting involvements and I just got lucky to find out. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm no one important. Though I will keep your secret and cover for you if I need to. Enjoy your technopathy, Ryan."
Reece got out of the car and walked off to chemistry, sighing.
Ryan crossed his arms and gave his brother a look. "Mark..."
"I still don't trust her, Ryan. Sorry I hurt your crush's feelings, but you can't reveal yourself again," Mark said, getting out of the car.
Ryan also got out. "She's not- Mark- y-..."
Mark raised an eyebrow. "Uhuh? Go on?"
"That's not the point! The point is you can't just be rude to people or randomly accuse them of being involved with monster attacks!"
"Whatever, dingus," Mark rolled his eyes, walking off to his first class.
Ryan huffed in annoyance and walked off to class as well.

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