Chapter 13

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"So, you never told me you had a kid... Kind of surprising, if I'm going to be honest here... Anyway! If you want her to be safe, you'll tell me if she's the pilot," Seth stated.
"I won't tell you who the pilot is, but... It's not her. Just...leave her alone, Seth," Leo replied.
Seth thought. " do care for her. I told her you did."
Leo looked up from the ground, feeling heartbroken at the fact that Reece would doubt that... He had no choice. Seth was after them and he had to send her away... But now... It made no difference in the end.
"I can see it in your face... Don't worry, old friend. She's safe...for now. She reminds me a lot of you, really... Now that you know the stakes... I hope you'll cooperate, Leo."
He ended the transmission.
Leo sighed and lowered his head. Seth had found Reece... Now, all he could hope is that Ryan had found her too...

Seth walked in. "Harris! Reece! What are you two working on?"
After patrol, Reece and Harris had come to Harper Futuristics. They had been working for a while now...
Reece smiled. "Hey! I was working on my English paper..."
"And I'm programming," Harris stated.
Reece sighed. "And I hate writing papers..."
Seth laughed. "Wait... Isn't that due tomorrow?"
Reece nodded, sighing. "Yep."
"What do you have so far?" Seth asked, walking over and sitting beside her.
"Okay, I haaave... The word 'the,'" Reece stated.
Harris laughed, shaking his head. "Make an outline like I told you."
"I did... I'm just not good with words... I prefer technology," Reece complained.
Seth laughed and shook his head. She was so much like Leo... At the thought of Leo, he froze for a moment. He didn't want to have to use Reece against Leo... He hoped Leo would cooperate.
"Sooo, 'the'... The what?" Seth asked, setting down his coffee. "What's the paper about?"
Reece pulled up her outline and showed him, talking it over with him. Seth offered suggestions, and they managed to finish it in time. Harris tried to focus on his work, but seeing Seth help Reece made him smile. If only Seth would treat him that way... The way he treated Reece was something special.

- - - - -

Reece walked out of the elevator, smiling. "Hey guys."
Mark waved. "Hey, nerd."
Spyder waved, eating chips with his feet propped up on the control panel.
Ryan turned around and smiled. "There you are!"
Harris looked up. "Reece! I was just about to share my findings with the team. You're just in time."
Everyone gathered around Harris.
"So, what's up, Harris?" Ryan asked.
Harris pulled up an address with a picture. "I found Leo's last known address... It's under Leopold Mendel."
Spyder laughed. "Leopold? Seriously? That's-" Ryan and Harris gave him a look. "Sorry, continue..."
Harris cleared his throat. "He apparently stole some tech. That's all I can find on this guy. His other records seem to have been deleted..."
Mark nodded. "Okay... Well... What now? Are we going to check it out?"
"We don't know if he's even there-" Harris began to warn them.
"We have to check," Ryan interrupted. "Let's go look and see what we find! Are you guys with me?"
Mark nodded. "Let's do this."
Spyder nodded. "As long as I get to blow things up! If not... Well, I'll still come anyway."
Reece nodded. "Let's check it out."
Harris sighed and nodded. "Alright, just... Try not to be too disappointed if this doesn't work out."
"Gotcha..." Ryan nodded in agreement, running over to the control pad. "Mech, execute!"
Ryan made the robot jump off on their quest for Leo Mendel.

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