Chapter 17

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Ryan groaned, holding his head as the technology flickered around them.
"Ryan?" Harris said, shaking him. "Ryan, wake up..."
"Ugh...where's Leo? Is he okay?" Ryan asked, wincing as he sat up.
"He's in the medbay. He's hurt, but he'll be okay... Mark's working on repairs, but can you get the robot out of here? Reinforcements are on the way," Harris explained.
Ryan sighed and nodded. "I can try..."
Harris helped him up and he stumbled over to the control pad.
Ryan weakly crossed his arms in an 'X.' "Mech, execute!"
He strapped in and the robot moved, thanks to Mark's repairs. They almost had left when a monster showed up.
"Seriously?! Now?" Harris complained. "Spyder, get up here!"

- - - - -

Reece watched the news quietly, smiling over at Seth while he worked. "At least I don't have to go to school, right?"
Seth laughed and looked up from his computer. "Right... And I may or may not have arranged so you didn't have to make up any work while you were gone..."
Reece laughed, yawning. "Thanks Seth... I appreciate it..."
She had almost fallen asleep, very weak, when breaking news came across the screen. A helicopter was streaming the fight between a damaged Mech-X4 and a monster.
Reece's eyes widened. "Oh no..."
"Is this bothering you? We can watch cartoons instead-" Seth offered.
"No... I want to know what happened. These monsters... They...they're awful. If Mech-X4 can't stop the monster... Who will save the world?" Reece frowned.
Seth sighed and glanced down at his computer. "I...we'll have to wait and see who wins..."
Reece's heartrate monitor slowly increased as the fight went on. Mech-X4 managed to hold them off for a bit, but the robot was weakened. Out of nowhere, the monster stabbed Mech-X4. Mech X-4 fell and the monster continued stabbing the robot.
"NO!" Reece yelled, struggling to sit up. "Ryan!"
"Ryan...?" Seth asked, confused. His eyes widened in realization. "Ryan's the technopath...the pilot..."
"Yes...this is awful... I...I was supposed to go with him..." Reece began to cry, hugging Seth tightly. "But then...then I got hurt and now... I told him to go without me! Seth, what if this is the end?"
She sobbed into his shoulder and Seth sighed.
"I...Reece, it isn't your fault-" Seth tried.
"Yes it is! Maybe I could've helped... Either way, what if I never see him again...? I sent the city's best chance into a trap..." Reece cried.
Seth sighed and subtly pushed a button as Mech X-4 hit the monster, turning the monster to ooze. He wanted to win, but he couldn't do it like this... He couldn't stand to see her cry like this. But now that he knew who the pilot was, maybe he could reason with Ryan...
"Hey, Reece, the monster is gone!" Seth said enthusiastically.
Reece gasped and smiled, wiping away her tears and looking back at the TV. "Ryan's okay! The robot looks in really bad shape though..."
Seth smiled. "I can send someone to help them?"
"You'd do that?" Reece beamed.
"What are rich guardians for?" Seth joked, ruffling her hair. "I'll take care of it. You just get some rest."
Reece smiled and yawned again, wiping away some tears. "Thanks Seth... You're the best."
Seth smiled back wiped away a tear she missed. "No, you are... I'll check on you soon, Reece."
Reece smiled and fell asleep.
Seth sighed. After all this time, he was so close... And yet he stopped for her. Hopefully, Ryan would be reasonable... He only hoped he hadn't made a mistake.

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