Chapter 10

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Reece got in and sat beside him, sighing slightly and glancing back at the school for a moment. "Thanks for picking me up..."
"No problem. I would've stayed if I knew you wanted to go home so soon, but I figured you'd want to hang out with-" Seth began.
"No... Not right now. He...we got into an argument," Reece said, sighing and buckling up. "He thought I made a decision without thinking it through, and I told him it was none of his business what choice I made."
Seth nodded, driving off. "Aaand that choice was me being your guardian."
Reece smiled sheepishly. "It''s not that he said anything bad about you. He said you were a good person, but since I didn't know you very well, I should've asked him. And if there wasn't a problem, I don't understand why he was arguing with me. It was my choice, you know?"
Seth nodded. "You're right, it is your choice. I guess Ryan just wanted to make sure you'd be safe."
Reece smiled sheepishly and nodded. "I guess. Anyway, sorry to rant about it to you first thing..."
"Oh, it's no problem. Just doing my job as a guardian to be, right?" Seth joked.
Reece smiled and laughed. "Yeah, I guess so... I...have you found out anything about Kayla?"
Seth was quiet for a moment. "Nothing new. She', still missing..."
Reece nodded slightly. "Okay... I just...I hope she's okay."
"I'm sure she'll be okay," Seth said. He cleared his throat and pulled up to a house. "Anyway, welcome to the Harper residence."
Reece laughed and got out, looking around. "It's nice."
Seth smiled and walked over to the door, unlocking it and walking in. "The inside is cooler."
Reece smiled and followed, closing the door behind her. "Wow... You've got good interior design skills."
"And lots of technology," Seth added. "Feel free to check it out."
Reece smiled and wandered around. Seth took her stuff upstairs while she looked around.
After a while, Reece saw an office and walked in. "Wow, that's a really nice computer!"
Seth heard as he was walking down the stairs and hurried over. "Oh, thanks! Yeah, it's a new model we're planning to release..."
Reece smiled. "That's cool!"
Seth nodded. "So...want to see your new room?"
Reece moved away from the computer. "Sure!"
Seth silently sighed in relief. "Up the stairs, first door on the left."
Reece smiled and walked out to go check it out. Seth quickly closed out all of his non-Harper Futuristics related files, including information about the monsters and Leo. He couldn't let her find this and if she was good with technology... No, he needed to have this only at his lair. It was too risky here... He wiped the computer of the other files then walked out to order a pizza. Teenagers liked pizza, right?
Reece smiled and looked around her room. "Wow..."
She had a desk with a computer like the one he had downstairs, a TV with a gaming console from Harper Futuristics, a comfy chair, and a bed. From what she could tell, it had been a guest bedroom, but now, it was hers. She smiled and began unpacking her stuff.

- - - - -

After eating pizza while watching Star Wars, Seth handed her a paper and pen.
"After you sign this and we get it processed, I will be your legal guardian unless another eligible family member claims you," Seth explained.
Reece smiled and skimmed over it for a moment. "Thanks, Seth... But...I don't think anyone is ever coming..." Reece said quietly, signing the paper and handing it back.
Seth frowned slightly. "What do you mean?"
Reece sighed, fidgeting slightly and looking away. "For as long as I can remember, I've been passed from guardian to guardian. Kayla was the most recent... My dad was involved with something, but no one will ever tell me what and where he is. I'm starting to think they just say that to spare my feelings... And my mom? I have no idea. No one ever tells me anything... They probably just abandoned me, and their friends felt bad for me, I guess..."
Seth thought for a moment, trying to think of what to say. "Reece, whatever...whatever he was involved in, I'm sure he didn't abandon you. In fact, I know he didn't. He probably just wanted to keep you safe."
"Safe from what? Or who? Or...I don't know," Reece asked exasperatedly. Seth hesitated then shook his head. "Well...thanks. It's nice to hear the reassurance, whether it's true or not... I just wish I at least knew more about him..."
"Maybe we can find out about who he was before he disappeared," Seth said.
"How do you know he disappeared?" Reece asked.
"It was in your file from the school... It said your parents disappeared when you were little," Seth barely managed to explain.
"Oh...yeah... I guess that's what they say happened," Reece smiled slightly, shrugging. "Anyway... I have some homework... Goodnight."
Seth smiled slightly in return. "Night, Reece."
Reece stood and walked upstairs to her room.
Seth sighed quietly after she left, rubbing his head. He had to be more careful next time... Leo was protecting her this entire time... Was she the driver of the robot?

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