Chapter 4

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Kayla worked at her computer, managing numbers, making reports, and doing finances.
"Kayla Simmons... I noticed in your resume, you had more experience working with biological engineering and technology than finances. What made you apply for this position?" Seth asked, walking in.
Kayla tensed. She had applied under the name Kate Stephens... He knew. She turned around and saw him standing in the doorway. She had hoped she could get more information before he found out...
"Still trying to help Leo?" he chuckled. "It would've been better to break in than turn yourself in. Leo will be disappointed."
"At least I didn't run and hide like the rest," Kayla defended herself.
"That's great, Kayla. Really. Very bold, brave, I love the confidence!" He paused and gave her a look. "But in the end... A bad decision. Take her away," Seth ordered.
Two men came in and dragged her off.
Seth smirked. "That wraps up the loose ends that are still a threat..."


Reece went above and beyond on yet another pop quiz, beginning to gain the teacher's respect. Before she could walk out, the teacher called her over.
"You seem to excel at science above everything else," the teacher commended her. "I think you qualify for the advanced classes. Maybe you'd like to even join a science club?"
Reece smiled. "Thank you... I suppose I could try out the advanced class."
"Great! It'll replace this class and you'll be in room 105. Keep working hard."
Reece smiled slightly. "Thank you, sir. I will."
He nodded, smiling back, and she walked out.
"Nerd alert," Dane yelled, laughing.
Mark laughed. "Yep, nerd alert for sure."
Reece rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say."
With that, she turned and walked off.
"Watch it, nerd!" Dane yelled.
Mark facepalmed and shook his head at his friend.
Ryan ran to catch up with her. "I'm sorry about those two... They like messing with any freshmen that they can... Including me."
"Yeah, well, it really doesn't matter. I roasted them," Reece replied.
"Right... Well, Harris, Spyder, and I wanted to meet up with you at my house after school."
"I already told you. I'm just a lucky girl who has nothing to do with anythin-!"
"Reece Stephens, to the office, please," Principal Grey said.
Reece raised an eyebrow. "Weird... Wanna join me? I forgot where it was."
Ryan nodded. "Sure."
They began walking towards the office.
"So... How'd you find the thing?" Reece asked.
Ryan hesitated for a moment. "This is going to sound weird, but... Part of the reason we think you're involved is because when I helped you up when we first met, I got a vision of the place where we found the robot. But I got a vision of the place before we met. Originally, we checked the place out and found the r- ...thing."
Reece frowned in thought. "Weird... I did notice your eyes light up then, but only for a few seconds."
" have no idea why?" Ryan asked.
"Not a clue," Reece shrugged. "Sorry."
Reece walked into the principal's office and Principal Grey smiled until she noticed Ryan.
"I only asked for you, Reece," she said.
"Oh, well, I didn't know where to go, so Ryan helped me. He's going to stay in case I get lost again on my way back," Reece explained.
She forced a smile. "Great... Anyways, I needed to let you know that Harper Futuristics found out your mom had been involved in illegal activity, so she's now in custody. You need a guardian or... I'm afraid you'll go into foster care."
Reece sighed, faking it as much as she could. "I knew something was off about her... Luckily for me, she marked Ryan's mom as my legal guardian just in case, I suppose. I guess she was at least a bit good... Adoptive parent. Never knew what I was going to get. Thanks for letting me know."
She looked shocked. "I doubt that... Let me look that up."
Reece nudged Ryan slightly, giving him a desperate look. Ryan's eyes lit up and the information was changed on the record.
The principal looked shocked, looking up from the computer and at them. "Well, I suppose you're fine... You may return to your classes."
"Thank you, Principal Grey. I wish I had known sooner..." Reece sighed.
"Of course," she smiled fakely.
They left and she scowled. Her plan had failed... And she had been wrong. Reece Stephens must not be in on it. Poor adopted kid...

As soon as they got far enough away, they sighed in relief.
Reece hugged him tightly. "Thank you so, so much, Ryan!"
Ryan stumbled slightly, surprised, but hugged back. "Uh... You're welcome. No problem."
She pulled away. "I can continue to live next door and all we have to do is pretend occasionally until my dad comes back... I don't know a lot about him except that he loves technology and something happened to him. So, my 'mom' has been trying to find him. He'll be back. I'm sure of it."
"I'm sure he will," Ryan agreed.
She smiled and walked towards her class. "I'll see you after school."
He smiled, walking the opposite direction to his class. "See you."

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