Chapter 3 Testing Phase

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Alright so limitation found.

I can't evolve or create body parts without food. Also changing different parts takes hours so I won't be able to do evolutions on the fly. So unfortunately I am going to have to think ahead of time about what I need and then evolve it. Also with the other disturbing fact that the cave I was in had less bugs when I woke up means I can deduce that they might have been the sacrifices for my new arm. That is a horrifying thing to think about (well for me at least).

My sword arm has shrunk down to a knife where my pinky once was which is honestly better, because I have my second hand back. But now I look like a knock off version of Edward Scissor Hands.

Also I'm hungry.

Moreover another problem is that my cloths are going to degrade eventually and if I lose my glasses then I'm going to be without vision. But the first order of business is still food.

I was pretty damn hungry but I certainly wasn't hungry enough to start pulling bugs off the walls and stuff them down my gullet. So without further a due back to the hellish red forest.

The morning air hit me when I stepped outside the cave. There was morning dew on many of the plants and there was still humidity in the air.

Okay water was first because without water you die in like 3 days or something. Was it 3 hours shelter 3 weeks food 3 days water? I can't remember. I wish I was some survivalist in my previous life, because it would come more than handy in my situation.

Alright lets find water first.

I began to lurk into the forest ready to bolt at the first sight of whatever horror would strut out of the red forest. While I was walking I started to hear something.

Stopping and just listening for a minute it sounded like running water. So I headed in the direction of the sound. Eventually it got louder and eventually I found a small area where a river fell down into a water fall. The sound was deafening and there was mist in the air around the waterfall. A small rainbow had formed around it too probably because of light refraction of my glasses which tended to do that a lot.

But I found water. I walked up to the stream and stared down into the water for a bit. The water look pretty clear and therefor for my monkey brain meant I should start drinking imminently but felt my rational mind argue that there could be hefty repercussions for blindly drinking the river water.

My throat felt parched and my stomach grumbled with hunger. Then a huge argument broke out between my stomach and my brain eventually resulting in my stomach wining.

Maybe I should just take a sip? I mean just a small amount won't totally kill me right? I proned down next to the water and like a cat took a little lick of the water.

It didn't taste that bad actually. 

"Huh I guess its safe."

Then I took a giant gulp of the water and felt my thirst vanish after a while. But how am I going to find this river again if I need water? I could find the cave easily because the cliff that it was in was rather large and could be seen from even here, but there wasn't a giant ass mountain to mark everything important so I thought a bit.

Without coming up with something good I just judged by the cliff where roughly the river was and that would have to do for now.

And then my stomach reminded me of another need of mine.

So food...

I guess I have to hunt something down, because it was either that or foraging and if I did foraging then I would probably find something poisonous and not know since I was in an alien place then promptly get myself killed. So my best bet was to kill something rather large and hope to god it wasn't poisonous. Also I seriously doubted my ability to catch fish. They were just too small and too fast, so might as well not waste my time with being confident in myself.

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