Chapter 22 Decision

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"So if I had agreed to go to war. Then that would have conveniently put him in the back lines since he is the head of the military after all. And all of his enemies and rival Generals would have to be thrown into the front against those rogue Generals." I finished. Huh problems usually occur because of two reasons: malice or incompetence. It seemed that I was mistaken. He isn't incompetent quite from it.

"Yes you are correct, Hero." Ichika finished motioning with her hands. "He is quite the unsavory character, and his goal is to take more power from within the kingdom."

"Hmm burn the whole thing down while taking more power for yourself." I said putting my hand under my chin. I should look out for him...

"We're here Hero." Ichika said gazing out the carriage window. "Remember to keep that hood up, we aren't supposed to be here, and despite my power I don't think they are going to let me off the hook easily."

"Not a problem Ichika." I said lifting the cloak's top onto my face. "If the job is not to be seen I can do that."

I stepped off the carriage smelling the air. Looking around at the outskirts of the city.

To my surprise though it seems that things were a lot nicer than I thought they were gonna be. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe some slums or something but everything actually looked nice.

"So did you want to look around? I never did ask what you wanted to do out here."

"I just wanted to see what the nobles told me not to."

"Ah so you're a little rebel huh?"

"No, not quite."

As my boots hit the ground I looked around at the streets. There was no one around as some wind breezed through the empty street hitting me and Ichika.

"Say this might be an obvious question Ichika but how did you get your name?"

"Oh my name well I was indeed born after the arrival of the fourth hero, and my parents met him once so they had a liking for Japanese names. But besides that I wanna keep talking about your world! So do you remember any calculus? We've got some black spots in the records of Calculus, and while we could just do it the old fashion way it is way easier for us to just poach the knowledge of Earthlings."

Walking down the streets I glanced at her, "Pfff I barely remember algebra. My job didn't particularly put a lot of emphasis on Calculus so you're shit out of luck."

"Darn was hoping to work out some equations for my magic. Well, do you know any physics?"

"Yeah when you drop things this crazy thing called gravity pulls them to the ground."

"Ah so that's a no then."

"Yeah sorry you kinda got yourself a grunt not exactly an Engineer or a member of the Chairforce."

Ichika turned to me and tilted her head, obviously not knowing a single reference I made. I simply turned my head and face forwards as I walked forwards. The court magician matched my pace as we continued to walk. Turning around a building a person walked past us and in the distance I could see more people. Seems like we had found the populated parts of the town.

"Oh, it seems like we've left the illusion." I heard Ichika casually mention as if that was supposed to make any sense.

I turned to her with a questioning look and she looked at me confused before something in her head clicked.

"Oh! Um nobles have this system so that their caravans and carts are not attacked in the city. There are these separate passageways that are technically there but also technically not. Basically it uses a lot of mind manipulation magic."

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