missing you

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*~y/n's flashback~*

*it was 8:00 me and my family are going to the mall~! finally, after a really long time of daddy drinking green juice.. (alcohol), he decided to take us somewhere special but daddy is driving badly.. my mommy is saying that it will be okay but i don't think it is.. *

*its 8:20... daddy hit something another big boy car... it made my arm stop working.. but what's worse.. it made my mommy and him go to sleep.. my sister says so.. my sissy's legs stopped working tho.. she said she kept me awake when i almost went to sleep forever.. such sweet sissy am i right~!!!*

*~flashback over~*

*i woke up all sweaty i was laying down on the hospital bed and kiri was asleep on the chair*"KIRI!"*i jumped on him making the chair fall off and him getting scared*"AHH- Y/N U SCARED ME!!!""IM SORRY!!! I JUST MISSED U" "BITCH I DID TOO WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO U? HAWKS FOUND U ON THE FLOOR" "hawks?" "yes he is a hero" "I DONT FUCKING CARE IM JUST SO HAPPY TO SEE U"*i hugged him tightly* ( dont ship this shit 🙄)"a-ah y/n ur kind of killing me..." "AH SORRY!!"* i got up excitedly and helped him up* "im so excited to see everyone!!!" *as i reached to the door opening it i then mumbled*"even tho no one came for me.."*i waved goodbye to kiri as i walked to the class opening it it was normal.. it looks like no one even noticed i was gone. as expected broccoli bitch came over to me*"HEY Y/N DO U WANT TO-"*kicked him in between his legs* "shut the fuck up"* i looked at him as he groaned in pain then walked away going to my seat*"..its kind of weird to be here again..- ngl..-"*i tried not to think about being kidnapped and stuff.. specially about what happened last night.. i tried not to turn red..*"fuck im not falling for some dickhead.."*i looked over at the window trying not to think about what happened it just felt weird being here..*

(time skip cuz im lazy ┗|`O′|┛))

*after some classes it was time to see my dorm..?  (ok so to clear up things there will be roommates each dorm has 3 students females with females and males with males and non-binary's with females or males its up to them ) since we dont want any sus stuff happening  😋)"i wonder who would be my roomie? hopefully it isnt that annoying bitch with that bush she calls hair"*i mumbled to myself *"now what was it again.. dorm uhh 34? or 35..? eh ill just go see both"*i finally reached the U.A campus *"woow this shit is big o-o.."*i looked around to see tangerine and the midget person and kiri*"Yo! kiri!"* i ran over to him wanting to give him a hug but he moved away almost making me fall on the ground*"whyyy~!!!" "SORRY I THOUGHT U WERE GONNA HIT MY LIKE BAKU-BRO DID" *i softly smacked him in a playful way*"so do we like get going to our dorms?" "yea i think so"*kiri replied* "ah alright im off then sayanora fuckers"*i put the middle finger up while walking away* 

(*skip to when she reached to dorm 34 and 35* cuz im lazy ((⊙﹏⊙))o. )

"alrighto- lets see what were gonna walk into to-" * i opened the door to see 2 boys one pinned to the wall and one with no shirt*"uhhh.. ⚆_⚆"*we all stared at eachother for a second*"IM SORRY!"*i  slammed the door shut my face still red and my nose bleeding a little*"ahh i dont know how im gonna unsee that :,)"*i wiped the blood and walked to dorm 35*"hopefully its my dorm..-"* i opened it it was empty with a clothing thats floating*" AHH-"* a few moments after a angelic alike voice replied*"i-im s-sorry! i didnt mean to scare u!"*it was an invisible girl? i think..-*"what the fuck are you?" "im invisible girl~! but u can call me Toru" "ah okay- im y/n nice to meet u uhh toru?" "alright so um y/n- there is 3 bedrooms and 1 living room choose what room u want- ill be in my bedroom-" *toru walked away even tho i only saw her cloths moving*"what the fuck did i just see-"*a few moments of me over thinking my life i was about to go into my room when the midget person busted in*"WASSUP HOES UR DARLING IS HERE~!!!" "hello-"*i was so shocked of their entrance i couldnt even move-*"SO- ur one of my roomies~!!!"*they walked closer to me *"yea-"*i backed away a little*"ahh i wish i choose Bakugo "*they were all red * "why dont u go hang out with him then-?" "AHHH THATS SUCH A GOOD IDEA TY BABA GRIl!"*they slammed the door shut right after leaving*"ahh finally alone~!."*i walked to the living room and jumped on the couch laying down on my tummy*"ahh so comfy~~!!!"*after a few minutes of laying down i got up*"i should probably go choose a bedroom..-"*i got up and got surprised to see the midget again*"AAh-" *they looked awfully  pale and a little weird looking-*"your back already-?" *they didnt reply they just stared at me* "uhh ill just go- do something-" "WAIT-" *they grabbed my arm tightly*"Where is ur room.." i still didnt choose-" "LET ME SEE UR ROOM-" "alright alright calm down- could also let go of my hand-?"*she let me go and waited for me to show her my room*"ill uhh um- choose- i-" "say it already!!!!" "t-that room"*i pointed at the last room**she then held my hand and speed ran to the room slamming the door open yeeting me on the floor*"o-ow what the fuck!!"* she then walked over to the window*"ur window.. does it open..?" "how would i know dumbfuck!"*i got up wanting to punch her but she held my hand*"open it." "alright alright jeez-"*i opened it for her* "hmm.."*she got on the window almost falling off but i held her*"Bitch- what the fuck are u doing"*i grabbed her by the hair and forced her down making her fall on the bed*" get out-" "okay.. but does ur window lock." "uhm no i dont think so now bitch leave i want to sleep" "okay."*she got up and walked away not even closing the door* "ffs.."*i closed the door locking it and took my shirt off*"ahh at last!" *i yeeted the shirt in the basket and went to my closet*"wow- they even have their own cloths ready for us-"*i only took the shorts since ill be sleeping with a bra on 😔 * 

*after changing i jumped on the bed and covered my self up with the blanket*"so comfy!!!"*after a few moments of laying down and doing nothing i started to drift off to sleep*"n-no i cant sleep.. its too early-"*i tried to stay up but i eventually ended up falling asleep*

(clock time: *~2:35~*)

*i was still asleep sleeping peacefully but i was disturbed by knocking.. knock knock knock.. i thought it was coming from the door so i ignored it.. drifting back to sleep.. i heard something open.. probs someone from outside the room.. until i felt someone standing on top of me..*

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