Chapter 2

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I woke up with the feeling the heat of someone else's body next to me. Then reality came crashing down on me.
I felt disgusted and used. Something I should be familiar with by now.

I stood up and went to the shower where I could release everything pent up in me.

You've forsaken me Lord... why?

I get no reply as usual.

As I was getting dressed I got a glimpse of myself. With red rimmed, puffy eyes from the crying an screaming in the shower.

I looked dead and I sometimes wished I actually was which would be the best solution but then I remember my kids and remind myself that they need their mother more than ever.

I leave the room as quickly as possible and check up on the twins. When I get there I only find Cassidy and immediately go in a state of panic.

"Cody? Cody!!"

I get No reply

"Cody!!!!!!? Oh my Gosh ,Cody stop playing around !

I stop midsentence when I see Cody coming up with a lit up birthday cake amd remember that it's Zak's Birthday today.

" Cody? Are you ok? What are you doing?" I ask deeply worried after the events of the previous day.

"Morning Mother I just remembered that it was Za- I mean dad's birthday today. Should we not celebrate? I mean 38 is a huge number afterall."

Cody says in an eerily sweet voice. I look at him confused and he just smiles and enters our room.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happpppyyy Birrrrrttthhhhdddaaayyy dear Daaaaaddd! Haaaapppyyy BirrrrthhhHhdayyyyyy toooo youuuuu!"

I hear Cody sing and see Zak hugging him.

"Now that's my boy! Catherine where were you?! You let Cody come here and sing while you left?!"

"Dad. Mom actually helped baked the cake and asked me to surprise you"

"Oh then Good job. What about your sister? The good for nothing. But don't worry soon you'll have a much better sibling. Isn't that right Cathy?"

My face pales but I nod. " Cody, Cassidy go wash up and we'll cut the cake later on all right? " I say with a forced smile on my face

"Come here Cathy."
I hesitantly go to him and he kisses me. I feel the nausea crawl up my throat but push it down and kiss him back.

"You know I love you right? And I can't wait to bring our child to the world!"
Zak says with so much excitement that I can't help but smile then I recall what happened and the smile dissapears.

I see Zak with a confused look on his face at the change in my facial expression but before he can say anything the twins return saving me from having to explain myself.

"Dad can you play video games with me?" Asks Cassidy.

"Women should be in kitchen not playing games! But since it's my birthday and you surprised me. Yes we can." Says Zak and I am conflicted on what to do.

" Thank you so much dad! Let's go!"
Says Cassidy and she drags Zak along with her.

" Now. Cody tell me what is going on?"
But when I turn to face him he has dissapeared.

I go out and search for him and find him in the kitchen making lunch but the smile on his face sends shivers down my spine.

"Cody?" I walk forward and see Cody mixing something in a drink. He turns to me with the same smile.

"Yes dear mother?"

" What are you doing?"

I ask hesitantly as I pray that he placed Laxatives and not what I think it is.

"Mother? What are you assuming?"

He fake gasps


" You will just have to find out" he shrugs as he calls out to Zak and Cody.

" Dad! Cass! Lunch is ready!"

I see Cody place the drink with the unknown substance by Zak. I quickly take it to drink but Cassidy grabs it.

" Thanks Mom! I was so thirsty!"
" CASS! NO!"
" NOO!"
Cody and I say simultaneously but its too late and she gulps it whole.

I have no idea what was in it but I pray to God and hope that Cassidy will be ok and that he will not disappoint me once again.

That faith incinerates once I look at Cody who no longer has a smile but instead looks deathly pale.

"Catherine. What's the meaning of this? Cassidy sit and eat. You Cody get me another drink since this rotten piece of trash drank mine."

"I can't " says Cody as he trembles.

He looks at me and whispers one word.



I Say with such urgency that Cassidy jumps but she looks at me so helplessly that I know that I'm too late.


I feel so dizzy and I feel so hot it's like my organs are on fire.
I feel something come up and when I cough blood is coming out.
I feel liquid drip from my eyes and I internally panic.


Cody says while sobbing but I can barely hear anything.

The last thing I see is a blurry figure I make out to be mom , before I feel a stabbing pain in my heart and all I see is black.

I'm sorry mom...

What I Thought I Had (EDITING)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt