Chapter 5

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Zak's Pov

20 years ago

I glanced at the people walking past as I walked down the stairs of the school with my friends. Add the inverted comma on friends.

These people do not give two cents about me but I hang out with them to provide an image for myself.

As I reach the last step one of them shove me and I internally wince from the scars littering my body.

I look at Jack , the one who pushed me and he looks innocently to the side with a smirk.

" Hey man that was so not cool" I say looking directly at Jack.

" Sorry" he says without a care in the world. I can't bring myself to get mad.

These people are afterall doing me a favour and letting me into their group.

" Aww Zak? You know we just kidding around with ya?"

Dylan says and all I can do is nod.

They walk past me and I'm left alone as they get into their cars and drive off .

I am reminded of my scars by the throbbing pain in my abdomen and go to the bathroom to inspect the damage.

My abdomen is all kinds of yellow and black but thankfully no new damage was inflicted.

I sigh in relief and begin mu long trip home where the devil incarnate awaits my return.


I finally reach home but hesistate before knocking. I was not allowed to have any keys with me because that apparently gives me too much freedom.

I am brought out of my thoughts by my father who welcomes me home with a smile which confuses me greatly.

" Zak! Come come!" I enter and see Dylan. Before I can ask the question of what he is doing here my father speaks.

" I'm sure you're wondering why Dylan is here but I think you have an idea why.You are a great disapointment to me. You are weak.Just like your mother!

You should have never been born!!! So to solve all my problems I have paid Dylan here as well as Jack to deal with you as they please."

My father says with Malice as each word he says cuts through my heart and shatters it.

" Dad!?! No! Dad! Please don't do this!" I say as I sob on the floor. He just looks at Dylan and nods his head.

Dylan goes to grab me but I move back and feel another presence behind me. I turn and see Jack before I feel a blinding pain to my head and I see black.


I wake up with a splitting headache and groan as I survey where I am.

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