Chapter 11

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Cody's Pov

Determined to escape I struggle to break free from the chains restraining my hands and in doing so fall to the ground in pain.

I look infront of me to see a bolt cutter and I immediately know what to do, so I wiggle to the steel object, manage to get it on my hands and place it hanging on a hook and smash the chains onto the bolt cutter, breaking free from the chains.

I run to the door, that is until I hear the door open.

''What are you doing!!" Zak screams across the room.

I try to tackle Zak, but the attack fails as he uses it against me and slams my face onto the entrance door.

''You think you can escape here, Cody!?" Zak says in a crazed tone

I look to the ground and I immediately know I've won this round as I can see the entrance key laying in the ground

''You're strong, but not so bright" I say to zak with false confidence.

I then twist zaks wrist, kick him across the face, grab the key, run outside as fast as I can and lock the entrance door shut, trapping zak inside.

''GET BACK HERE!!!" Zak screams from within the basement.

Thoughts race across my head as I figure out what to do.

I go and search for my mom.

I go upstairs as quickly as I can and enter their room.

" Mom? Mom!"

" Cody? Is that you?!"

I follow her voice and find her sitting in the balcony.

I hug her and cry on her shoulder. All the adrenaline has left my body and I'm once again the Fifteen year old Cody Nesbo.

" Cody. What happened? Where have you been for the past two weeks?"

My mom asks and I tell her everything starting from the time she was hospitalized to now.

And to say she was shocked was an understatement.

" Mom. We have got to leave right now! I don't know how much longer the basement will be able to restrain Zak."

" Where will we go Cody!? Zak will find us. I don't want him to hurt you anymore but staying here is our best bet!"

" Mom. How could you say all this even after everything I've told you!?
You have to wake up Mom!

This is not healthy!! He is obsessed with you!!!

He wants all your attention without me in the picture! We have to leave mom!" I say desperately as I begin to sob.

" Mo-Mom. We have to go."

" Ok. But you have to understand where your father's coming from.
I completely get that what he did was horrifically wrong.

But what happened to him twenty years ago is what made him the way he is. But for your sake. We will leave."

I grab her hand and rush down the stairs and through the door.
As soon as we reach the car Zak comes out.


Mom gets in the drivers seat with me in the passenger and drives off.


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