Chapter 4

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Zak's Pov

I feel like no one really gets me. I try my hardest to show this family what they need, It seems like it's not getting through.

I don't want to put my family through what I went through.

Which is why we do what we do.

I have been depressed since the incident 20 years back.

No one knows .

Not even Catherine.

Oh my sweet caring little Catherine. How we adore her with all my heart.

She has always been there when no one else was.

Even when he hit her, ridicule our kids. She is always present right beside me.

Some might think that I don't really love Catherine.

That I'm obsessed with her.
But oh boy are they wrong!

Catherine is my lifeboat. The candle to my flame.

Together we can cause havoc or bring peace.

She is the Ying to my Yang, and NO ONE will take her from me.

Not even my children.

They are a competition to us. They turn Catherine against us when instead they should be working with me.

Cody is the main problem and we need to get rid of him.

He is a nuisance.

And Cassidy is just the right girl for the job.

I knew that there was poison in my drink. We were there as he put it in.

We were there when he tried to make Catherine leave me.

We were always there. Lurking in the shadows waiting for the right moment to strike!

And Voila!!

Cassidy fell right into my trap. The imbecile.

Cassidy never was that bright in the first place and look where that got her. Ha!

Everything is going according to how We want it.

All thats left is to finally break Cody and have him beg for my forgiveness on his knees even though he will never get it.

If only he didn't get in my way. We could've lived as a happy family!

The perfect one at that.

I hear the front door open and silence. Then I hear a piercing scream that can only belong to Catherine and a grin spreads to my face.

Knowing that Cassidy is out of the picture We are one step closer to acheiving our goal.

But for now I have to be the caring husband that I am, so I go downstairs where I see Cody on his knees and Catherine holding him as she cries her heart out.

I smirk internally at the sight of Cody.
Bloodied and battered though his wounds have sadly been taken care of.

"Catherine? What's going on?" I ask putting on my concerned face and I see Catherine's heart melt.

"Cassi-Ca-Cassidy is dead!!!" She wails and I immediately go to her side and console her.

I look at Cody and he stares into an empty space blankly.

"Cody? Are you alright? I know this must have been so hard for you to lose your twin. Especially in such dire circumstances"

I say while looking directly at his eyes.

He just stares at me, gets up and walks away.

So satisfactory...




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