Chapter 9

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Cody's Pov

I sit on the floor where I have been for the last three hours,when I hear the door open. Hope fills my heart thinking that everything is Ok.

Mom is alright.

Then I see only Zak come through and fear fills my heart.

" Cody. I don't know what is wrong with you. What have I ever done to deserve a child like you.

You took all the attention from Catherine! You tried to poison me!! And now!!! You kill my child!?!?!?!? No. Enough is enough. "

Says Zak and he grabs my arm dragging me into the basement. I try to break free and I bite his hand.

" Ah!!!! Now you've done it!"

I run upstairs but Zak pulls me by my legs and I tumble face first onto the stairs.

Zak then Kicks me continously on my stomach , my head. Just everywhere he could reach.

When he is done,I can not see through my right eye.

I cough and blood spills out. Zak grabs me and drags me to the basement.

" You will leave Catherine and I alone!
Haha!!! I have finally won !!

I will just tell Catherine that you killed yourself! Or better yet! I will tell her that you hate her and you never want to see her again!

Yes. That will work."

Zak says mumbling to himself as I drift in and out of consciousness.

He throws me back and tells me to wash up with the bucket next to me. He tells me that I will not be able to leave this room.

Afterwards he leaves and locks the door leaving me in the darkness.


It's been three days since I've been locked up in here. Zak brings in food and water for me then leaves.

I assume Mom is back but she hasn't looked for me. I keep wondering if she believed whatever Zak told her.

I really hope not. Or else any chance of escaping here is futile.

I have tried everything I could to escape here and nothing has worked.

I have begun to lose all hope for ever escaping.

I am better than I was before. Which is weird considering I have been locked up in a basement for who knows how long.

But this time alone has given me time to think.

I cannot hold onto Cassidy forever, but she will remain in my heart.

I have to use the strength I gained from her instead of wasting it away.

It has also made Zak tell me what happened to him. No one is born this way.

And he told me.

I feel no ounce of remorse for Zak. Instead of becoming a better person he became the people who hurt him all those years ago.

He let darkness consume him. And I'll be damned if I let it consume me too.

I will escape, take my Mother away from here and destroy Zak Nesbo if it's the last thing I do.

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