Chapter 12

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I cannot allow Cody to take away the only person who keeps me grounded.
Not again.

When I find you Cody. You will die.


Catherine's Pov

I drive as fast as I can away from Zak.

I don't know where I'm driving to, I have no destination.

I know Zak will find us and a small part of me hopes he does so we can all be reunited.

I look at Cody and I see him staring at me.

"I know you Love Zak. Very much. I am sorry that we had to leave him. You just have to understand that he never loved you.

He was just looking for someone to place all his burdens on. Someone weak who wouldn't hurt him so that he could be on top.

I know what I'm saying is quite harsh but it has to be said Mom. I hope you get me."

I look at Cody both Confused and hurt.

" You are wrong! Zak Loves me as much as I love him. He would never abandon me. I get that he has been harrasing you and even me.

But don't you get it!! We deserved it all! You never gave him a chance!!! I have not been the best wife I could be and therefore deserve everything he has done even God thinks so"

" You say that as if you know what goes through his head!
HE . IS. A. SICK. MAN!!!!
He locked me up in the basement with little to no food or water!! I could've died! And you're defending him!? Do you know what he has done!?!?

He is a murderer!!! I understand that what happened to him was horrible. But he has no right to place all that on us!!!! He is abusing you!!! And God... he hasn't left you.."

I forget that I am driving and feel the impact before I can register what happened.

I check on Cody and see that he is Ok except for some minor injuries.

I look to my right and see Zak standing outside the window.

" Zak!?!"

" Mom!!! "

Cody rushes out and rushes towards Zak.

I slam the door open and it hits Zak right in his face.

I grab Cody and run as fast as my injured body can

"GET BACK HERE CATHERINE!!" I hear Zak as he runs after me and cody

Cody and I run through the empty streets as fast as we can but eventually Zak catches up to us and pulls me by the hair.

"ZAK!!" I hear Cody scream as he runs towards me.

I then see Cody punch Zak across the face as he lets go of my hair.

Our victory is short lived as Zak grabs Cody by the throat and slams him into the pavement keeping his hold.

"Why do you always ruin things for me" Zak says in a crazed tone.

I see cody struggle to break free of Zak's grip.

Zak motions to punch cody, but before he does, I slam my feet into Zak's face.

I see Zaks face turn red as he lets go of cody and turns his face to me

"CATHERINE!!" Zak screams from the top of his voice

Zak slams me into a wall and begins to choke me.


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