Chapter 3

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Sometimes I wish life was written in pencil so we could erase it and write it all over again.

Thoughts like these ran through my head as I watched Cassidy bleed out on the bathroom floor.

I was in a state of shock as Cassidy's blood pooled around my feet. I could not move nor could I speak. I was brought out of my stupour with Zak's voice.

"Serves her right! She was a useless piece of rubbish. Afterall Cathy, we will have a newborn soon and they will make me proud!".

Before I can register what is happening I see Cassidy's body fly and see that Zak has kicked her.

Afterwords I see red.

With all the anger in my body, I charge towards Zak with one of the pieces of metal that fell off from the stool after Cassidy collapsed but before I can cause damage Zak deflects my attack and instead holds me in a choke hold. He takes my weapon away from me and mocks me.

"Oh, Cody dear. You should know better than to try to kill me twice!
You almost ruined my birthday"

Zak says with mock concern.

"So I will have to punish you." Then Zak stabs my hand with the piece of metal and it penetrates right through the other end. The pain is excruciating and I scream my lungs out.


I hear mom beg and Zak pulls the metal out. Letting my blood mix up with Cassidy's and I immediately forget about my Pain and tend to her.
I check her pulse with my good hand and it is very weak.

" MOM! WE NEED TO GET HER TO A HOSPITAL!!" I say partially sobbing.

" Cody? You can go. Catherine you will stay here with me. I have something for you"

Zak says in an eerily calm way.
I look at mom for help but she just forces a smile through tears and tells me to go.

I hesitate then remember Cassidy and the adrenaline pumps through me once more.

With all the strength I can muster I pick Cassidy up and haul her onto my back. I run as fast as I can to the nearest Hospital.


I scream as loud as I can then I see a doctor approach me and take her to the emergency room as they tend to my wound.

Shortly after I return to the waiting and sit for what feels like hours so I decide to pray.

Lord. I haven't prayed in a long time and I'm sorry for that. Lord my sister is currently fighting for her life please Lord have mercy on her and let her live. Lord I know I'm not perfect but please save her life. If that is not possible please save her soul and allow her entrance in your kingdom.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Let not my will but your will be done. Amen

I then see the doctor come out with a somber expression and my heart drops.

"I'm so sorry. We tried all we could but she lost alot of blood. When a toxic level of a chemical is accumulated in the cells of the target tissue or organ, the resultant injury to the cells disrupts their normal structure and/or function. Which is why she bled from all those places.

In her case the poison detected was Carboxylic acids which is highly toxic for the humanbody. It attacked her lymphatic system and Glands and soon after everything just stopped. I am so very sorry for your loss young man."

Says the doctor but I hardly hear.
Cassidy is dead. And it is all my fault.

I drop to the floor on my knees amd scream. All I feel is anguish for my twin. For my mother who just lost a daughter.

Lord.... LORD! WHAT HAVE I DONE!? I thought I could save mom and Cassidy and we could finally Live in peace but I was very wrong and Cassidy paid the price for my iddiocy!
Oh my gosh what have I done!

Cassidy! Cass! I'm so sorry.! I'm sorry!

What I Thought I Had (EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora