Chapter 6

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Catherine POV

Cassidy didn't make it.

That phrase has been going through my head for a while.

It's been 3 weeks since she died and this family has never been the same.

Cody is always locked up in his room. He rarely eats or even speaks.

Zak is the only one who seems to be unaffected by what happened.

" Zak. Why are you so happy? Cassidy died and it seems like only Cody and I actually care."

I know it seems idiotic of me to ask that after how Zak has treated Cassidy but I can't help it. I just have to hope.

" I do care. I'm just not letting something like this affect me.

I have to be the father and husband you need in this troubling time."

Says Zak as I see him rub his hand where two fingers are missing.

" Ok. I understand. Can you at least comfort Cody? He is the one suffering most out of all of us. Cassidy was his twin afterall."

" Of course Cathy." As Zak says that he comes forward and plants a a kiss on my forehead then he leaves to go to Cody.

I go and sit as I think about everything that has happened when I feel nauseous.

I jump up and run to the nearest bathroom and throw up everything that I've eaten down the toilet.

When I finish I wash my face and I go out to buy a pregnancy test since Lockdown restrictions have been eased.

I reach home and go straight to the Bathroom and use the test. As I wait for the results I hear Footsteps approaching and see Zak by the door.

I hear the beep of the test and pick it up to see two red ticks signifying that I am indeed Pregnant.

I see Zak lean over to see and once he does a face splitting grin takes over his face.

" Yes!!!! Cathy do you know what this means?. We can finally have the child I've always wanted!

Thank you so much Catherine!!! I love you soo much!!! Where's Cody?! Cody!!!

Cody come down we have some good news!" Zak says and through all this. All that comes through my head is: This child is a product of destruction.

Cody Comes down and Zak tells him everything. Cody just stares blankly at my stomach then looks at me.

" Congratulations Mom." And he turns and goes back to his room.

" Zak. I know that you are ecstatic about this but we have to plan Cassidy's funeral then think about the baby afterwards."

" Catherine?! Forget about Cassidy she. Is. Gone. Right now we have to take care of you and my- I mean our baby. If I hear anything about Cassidy from your mouth again! There will be hell to pay! Understood! "

Zak shouts and I curl into myself.

" Yes, Zak."

" Awww Cathy please don't be like that? I love you. I just want what's best for you and our child without bringing up whats already in the past.

Cody will also have to learn this. You will have to teach him this before it's too late."

" I love you too Zak. I will try my best."

" That's what I love to hear! Now go to Cody and explain what I just told you."

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