12. Lapin and Kaito: Arsonists

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1034 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 3 2021
Posted November 20 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on December 4 2021

Paranoid Kaito is a bad influence

Lapin couldn't believe that they were actually going to go through with this. It was just way too much. The shrunken detective closed his eyes, letting out a breath in an attempt to calm himself. Buildings could be replaced, lives could not. It helped that Kaito had had a good point to support his proposal. Cleaning the place of fingerprints would be risky, but leaving them there would be dangerous. Why would Kuroba Lapin's fingerprints coat the whole house? It wouldn't make sense, especially if Kudo Shinichi's prints were nowhere to be found in the house he supposedly grew up in.

Kaito had ditched the wheelchair for tonight's endeavour, instead opting to securely brace his left arm and take some pain relievers. He was pretty confident that his injury just consisted of bad bruising, so his special pain meds should do the trick. He'd made them himself. He could barely feel his arm, Kaito could feel it just enough to manoeuvre himself around. Seeing the unease in Lapin's eyes, Kaito offered a reassuring smile "We don't have to do this, we can put everything back and just clean everywhere instead"

The tiny sleuth shook his head, gaze solemn "No, most of my memories are of me being alone here anyways" They'd gotten everything that was sentimental and couldn't be replaced. All that was left was replaceable objects.

"Okay" Kaito felt bad, the sleuth had grown up here, and now they were going to destroy it "Do you want to steal some credit cards and purchase weird stuff to make your dad scratch his head in confusion" He suggested, wanting to lighten the mood "Instead of an electrical fire, we could make it look like revenge arson and theft"

An incredulous giggle burst past Lapin's lips, the idea was so strange "Like what?"

Kaito hummed playfully "Like hundreds of different dildos and sex toys being shipped to all of your parents' known residencies"

Lapin buried his face in his hands, a wide grin spread across his face "He'll know it was us when everything is all over" The question is, would he be mortified or calm when the truth came to light? The thought of sending his parents those kinds of things was embarrassing.

"Eh" Kaito grinned "That would be a problem for future us to deal with" He was relieved that he'd managed to raise Lapin's spirit.

The sleuth offered a small smile "Thanks" Kaito was really good at easing other's nerves.

"So where do the great Kudos store their fancy credit cards?" Kaito inquired with a grin.

"I'll go get them" Lapin ran off, tossing things around to make it look like someone had been searching around. Grabbing the cards from under the bathroom mat was easy. He handed Kaito the cards when he returned.

"Oh, these ones really are fancy" They looked a lot more fancy than most cards he saw. Kaito easily pocketed them then held out some flasks "My magical scentless accelerant" Kaito stated proudly "It burns 10 times faster than the average accelerant and doesn't register as an accelerant when under inspection"

Lapin blinked, eyeing the flasks warily "Why does this exist?"

"Ah" Kaito broke their eye contact, letting out a nervous laugh "Curiosity?" He wilted a bit, sensing the other's deadpan stare "I needed to burn my old residence to dust" His smile fell, replaced by a sad grimace "I kept getting urges to retreat to it whenever I felt as if things were going too well" He glanced down at his legs "It wasn't safe or healthy for me, especially during the first year" He'd actually gone back to that house in the woods a few times "There needed to be nothing left for me to return to" He'd been careful to treat all nearby trees with a counter-solution to prevent a forest fire.

"Oh" That was a somewhat reasonable explanation. Lapin accepted the flasks "If it's that powerful, what's to stop the fire from spreading to other houses?" The professor was next door.

Indigos softened "I have a solution that counters the accelerant, my drone sprayed it everywhere outside" His drones were so useful! "By the time the fire trucks arrive, the house should be a lost cause, but they'll be able to prevent the fire from spreading. Water makes this stuff burn worse"

Lapin shivered "Many people would kill to get their hands on something like this" It was a bit frightening.

"It's a good thing I'm one of the good guys then" Kaito smiled. He knew that his talents were something to be envied. That's why he kept a lot of his skills a secret. Even without the ability to use his legs, the Crows would want him. He portrayed himself as an exceptional genius, but kept his morals known and his true skill level hidden "Make a trail throughout the whole house, I'll use a drone to light it when you're out"

"It's that fast?!" Lapin was shocked.

Kaito nodded "Of course, I wanted it to be able to do its job before anyone realized what was happening" He paused "Be quick, I'm going to mess with all the cameras in a large radius, we need to get away quick" He grinned "I'm starting my getaway now since I'm more easy to spot" They were disguised, but he still wanted to be careful "We'll meet up at the convenience store" Being in Beika felt risky, but that was where the Kudo mansion resided so it couldn't be helped.

Lapin nodded, taking off deeper into the house. What he was doing felt wrong, so he needed to do it before his guilt and unease came back. Kaito had brought a lot of flasks, so Lapin ended up being very generous with the accelerant in every room. Maybe it was excessive, but he wanted to make sure that absolutely nothing would be left that was capable of holding a fingerprint.

He was quick to sneak out and through the shadows when his task was complete. The drone was quick to fly past him and into the house. It lit up faster than the tiny sleuth had even thought possible.

"Come on"

Lapin jumped, hadn't Kaito said that he'd leave? "Wha-?"

Kaito smiled "I couldn't stop myself from watching that house burn, I suspected you might be the same"

Me: Kaito's paranoia has made him a bad influence XD Lapin's concern for his loved ones agrees with Kaito's paranoia

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>^< I have been procrastinating on my Nanny's Christmas gift... I don't care for embroidery...

So the project I actually enjoy has to be put on hold •3• because... Deadlines...

My preferred project isn't something that'd suit someone over 80

Flowers and birds are better for her XP and match her decor

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