38. Division 2... Finally

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1026 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 4 2022
Posted October 4 2022

NEXT UPDATE is on October 18 2022

Finally, after waiting for so long, Lapin was going to visit the division 2 station in Edoka with Kaito. It had taken a bit of time but not too long for Kaito to complete his cat themed gear, more would undoubtedly be added over time but he had enough for now. He was basically better equipped than the average police officer anyways. Kaito had also recovered enough to go back to mainly using his crutches instead of his wheelchair.

"You know, I don't think I've really been here before" Lapin murmured softly to Kaito as they entered. Yes he'd been to many police stations before, but he'd mainly stuck to the cases that had involved murders.

Kaito nodded "Yeah, we probably would have met years ago if you'd came here before" At Lapin's curious look he explained "I actually used to spend most of my time here" Well, most of the time that he hadn't spent in his bed or the hospital recovering. Learning how to use the crutches the way he currently could had taken a lot of time.

Lapin blinked "That's a weird thought" How different would his life have been if he'd met Kaito and the Nakamoris sooner? Ran's mother left when they were younger and Kogoro wasn't really the most attentive of people. Ginzo was attentive though, so would having him as an influence in his life changed things? He was currently learning basic life skills that his parents had decided not to teach him, and he hadn't even been with the Nakamoris for that long.

"Oh, hey Kaito!" Their attention was brought to the receptionist.

Grinning, Kaito made his way over "Hi Minato-san" Minato used to be a member of the Kaitou Kid task force, but since Kaitou Kid had died, he'd chosen a more laid back role in the force. Kaito didn't blame the guy, he'd really put most of the task force through the ringer.

Minato smirked, coming out from behind his desk, then reached over to ruffle Kaito's hair. He then turned his attention towards Lapin "Oh, wow. Your brother really does look like you" Minato let out a small laugh "And here I thought that you were just exaggerating" The two couldn't be mistaken as anything but siblings.

Kaito's cheeks tinted as a light pout played on his lips "How many times have I told you not to do that" He scowled, embarrassed at being treated like a little kid in front of the sleuth. Lapin was the one who was technically the little kid, not him.

"A dozen, and I'm never going to stop" Minato laughed "Though, if what you say is true, I guess you'll be upgraded from division two's smallest member to the second smallest I guess" He didn't doubt that any blood relative of Kaito's had the potential to be extremely smart. Sometimes he wished that they'd had Kaito's insight to help them catch Kaitou Kid before the bastard got himself killed.

Lapin couldn't help but grin in response to that. Division two was so friendly and open to the help of those younger than them. Division one hadn't been so open to his help, even when he'd been his actual age, Megure had done his absolute best to keep him away from cases "Hi, I'm Lapin, Kaito-niichan's little brother" His tail swished behind his back.

Minato nodded "Kaito's told us a lot about you, I look forward to helping you learn" A mischievous glint glimmered in his brown gaze as he leaned over and lowered his voice a bit "Kaito could do with the extra help"

"It hasn't even been five minutes and I'm already being picked on!" Kaito huffed, somewhat irked but at the same time happy to see that Lapin already liked someone here.

"I like cats, but are there any police dogs here?" Lapin inquired, Kaito hadn't mentioned any dogs, but one never knew.

Shaking his head, Minato sighed "Nah, we had one for a while but some bastard took revenge on her" He abruptly paused, remembering that he wasn't talking to a short teenager but to an actual child.

"It's fine Minato-san, Lapin has seen a lot of messed up stuff in his life" Kaito soothed.

The officer laughed darkly "It must run in the family then" He really hoped that Lapin wasn't as screwed up in the head as Kaito was when he first met him. Ginzo had told everyone that Kaito was a million times better than he had been, but that info had just been depressing rather than reassuring. They'd only allowed Kaito to be so involved because it had helped the kid, and then later Kaito had become a great friend and asset to the whole division.

Indigos darkened a bit "Who, knows? But Lapin is much more familiar with death and murdery stuff than I am"

Okay, that was more than a little concerning. At least Lapin was being housed with the Nakamoris now "Right" Minato nodded "Don't shield the tiny child from dead bodies, got it"

Lapin barked out a shocked laugh, having not expected such a response "Thanks, it's annoying when people try to protect me from stuff that I already know about" His visit here was turning out to be so much different than what he'd been expecting. Why hadn't Kaito given him a heads up?

Kaito nodded in agreement "Yeah, it really is annoying" He paused, indigos softening a little "But people only do that when they care so you can't be completely annoyed by it"

"I guess" Lapin reluctantly agreed, tail twitching. He perked up "Are there any cases for us to work on?"

Minato hummed in thought "There are a few cold cases here that you guys could take a look at if you want" The inspector and even Hakuba-san had both given the two brothers their blessing in seeing any case that they wanted, so long as it wasn't a sealed one of course.

Azure gleamed with excitement "That will be fine!" Field cases were what he preferred, but any case was better than no case.

Chuckling, Kaito smiled "Yeah, I'll show Lapin to the cases and then we'll settle in the fourth storage room" He was also excited to share his knowledge, then learn from the tiny sleuth.

Me: :Lapin finally has access to cases~

Comment? ^-^

I'm so busy lately... I'm also very lucky I had today off in order to write this XD

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