28. Pleasant Talk

104 12 7

1028 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written April 28 2022
Posted May 17 2022

NEXT UPDATE is on May 31 2022

When he wheeled himself into the living room, Kaito was unable to hold back a small giggle at the confused look Lapin gave him, the sleuth's cheeks were slightly flushed. Secondhand embarrassment? Kaito tilted his head, indigos gleaming "What?" He playfully inquired, his right hand resting on the cat carrier in his lap.

Lapin spluttered "Nothing, your outfit just caught me off guard" The feminine clothing didn't look out of place on the other, Kaito actually managed to make it work. It surprised him, maybe the fact that he didn't seem embarrassed was also helping his case.

Kaito smiled, pleased that the sleuth just accepted that he was wearing a skirt "It's easier to put on a skirt, I don't have to maneuver my legs into separate pant legs" He perked up, spotting a litter box that hadn't been there previously.

"That actually makes a lot of sense" Lapin nodded in thought "Why don't you wear them more?" It wasn't like the other looked bad in skirts like some guys did.

"I like pants more, I don't have to worry about accidentally flashing people" Kaito replied as he slowly unlatched the cat carrier and placed it right in front of the litter box. Sooty would be forced to step in the box if she wanted to go anywhere.

Lapin flushed, that was a pretty good reason. He could remember the few times Ran had accidentally flashed him when aiming a kick. He shook his head to clear his thoughts "What's the kitten's name?" He'd been surprised when the inspector had informed him that a kitten would be added to the household. Though looking at it as it poked its grey head out, the kitten was quite cute looking.

Smiling, Kaito's eyes were soft as he watched Sooty sniff around "Her name is Sooty, she will be trained as an actual assistant for my future detective work"

The sleuth blinked "Wouldn't a puppy work better then?" There was no feline equivalent of police dogs after all. Cats were harder to train than dogs.

Kaito pursed his lips, looking a little wistful "I can't properly take care of a puppy by myself, at least not easily. Dogs require a lot more maintenance" He gave Sooty a soft pat on the head as she stepped out of the litter box "Cats are more sneaky" Kaito paused, contemplating his words before continuing "I also have a strong affinity for dealing with cats as a result of a less important gem I borrowed in the past"

Lapin tilted his head "What do you mean by affinity?" The other had just glazed over the less important gems when he'd previously explained things.

"Well..." Kaito grinned as Sooty hopped up onto his lap "I temporarily gained some cat-like attributes, and after ridding myself of them... Cats just seem to understand me better than they should" That incident had been embarrassing, but he was pretty sure Ginzo hadn't seen too much of the results. Unfortunately, that witch had seen everything, and had taken her sweet time in fixing things.

"Huh" Lapin eyed Sooty "Why didn't you get a cat sooner then?"

"I was busy with other things" Kaito shrugged "I also wasn't the one who picked out a cat, Misty was" Not that he was complaining or anything. Sooty was cute, and soft, very soft. Kaito's stomach suddenly rumbled, causing said person's face to flush.

"I can go heat up some of the leftover chicken casserole for you if you want" Lapin offered before hurriedly continuing "That way you won't disturb Sooty" The kitten had settled herself in Kaito's lap, happily kneading her claws into his legs by just flexing her paws. He'd been informed that the other had had a rough time during his appointment, and the teen looked just pale enough to make him believe it. Regrowing your nerves? All at once? That sounded horrible, and unfair considering only one section seemed to be damaged.

While he wanted the cupcakes, a proper meal would probably make him feel a lot better in the long run. Kaito glanced down at Sooty before turning his attention back to Lapin "Thanks" He stroked Sooty as the sleuth went off to fetch him his meal, using his free hand to slowly unfold and latch a tray to his wheelchair. It rested just barely above the kitten's head. Not all tables were wheelchair height, so he'd had the attachment installed after Aoko had scolded one too many times for putting hot plates on his lap.

Lapin faltered slightly when he came back carrying two plates and saw the tray, but quickly caught himself and placed one of the heated plates onto it "Aoko and Keibu are out shopping for stuff" He sat down at the coffee table with his own plate "So it's just leftovers for us since they're planning on eating something out"

Kaito smiled, mouth watering as the first bite touched his tongue. He spoke after swallowing "Leftovers are fine if they taste like this" The alfredo sauce was creamy, meat tender, and the bits of broccoli were nice and soft. It tasted better than some of the food he's ordered out before. Kaito was glad that he'd helped Aoko get into cooking lessons.

"I used to mainly eat takeout before I got shrunk..." Lapin offered "I appreciate home cooked meals" They were nice, and eating with someone was nicer than eating all alone most of the time.

"Oh yeah, you suck at cooking" Kaito noted, remembering an interview that he'd seen. The sleuth's friend had outed his terrible cooking skills.

Lapin flushed "It's not like I had any reason to cook" He'd been alone "I ate quickly so that I could work on more cases" Cooking just for himself hadn't seemed to be worth it when he had the money to buy the food he wanted.

Kaito eyed Lapin "I could teach you, I can cook quite well" It was just a little difficult sometimes with his mobility. Indigos gleamed "I'm better at baking but you'll at least be able to become decent in the kitchen" Both cooking and baking were calming activities, at least they were for him. Though he bet that teaching the sleuth would be harder than helping Aoko refine her skills.

Me: Cooking lessons? Maybe XP

Comment? ^-^

Last night my cat was going nuts, flipping around all over me as he chased his own tail.... XD

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