Prologue Chapter 1: A Happy Family

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks and Setting

Chapter 1: A Happy Family

Though he could simply teleport home using his signature jutsu, or even a simple shunshin, Namikaze Minato preferred to walk home after a long day at the office, taking in the sight of his beloved village of Konoha. The villagers loved their leader and would greet the young Hokage with a wave or a bow, some even giving him small gifts, such as fresh fruit or some groceries to take home, and he would always greet them back with a smile and a nod or a wave.

The happy faces of the villagers and the visible liveliness of the people throughout the village made the stress of the job bearable, seeing exactly who and what he was working for. However, the highlight of his day always waited for him at the end of his journey home.

He opened the door to his house, only to be tackled by a yellow blur. "Tou-san! You're back!" shouted his 7-year-old son Naruto, who looked up to meet Minato's happy gaze with his own bright blue eyes, arms still wrapped around Minato's waist in a hug. The younger Namikaze looked like a miniature clone of Minato, with spiky blonde hair and blue eyes. Naruto pulled his dad inside by his hand before the man could even take off his shoes, and Minato chuckled as he tried to take his shoes off in the midst of his chaotic greeting.

"Welcome home, honey!" He looked up to be greeted with the brilliant smile of his wife, Uzumaki Kushina, who slowly walked out of the kitchen with a hand on her lower back when she heard the commotion started by Naruto. She looked beautiful with her perfect skin and long red hair, despite being 9 months pregnant, as she was about to give birth to their daughter any day now. Minato placed the bag of fruit that he'd been given by a grateful villager on the table and gave her a small kiss on her lips. He looked into the violet eyes of the love of his life, and all the stress and worries of the day melted away.

"So, how was work today?" Kushina asked as she took the young Hokage's signature jacket, a white, short-sleeved jacket which reached down to his calves, emblazoned with the words 'Yondaime Hokage' on the back, and red flames at the bottom.

"I sent a message to Jiraiya-sensei asking him to be there on the big day for some extra security, and Hiruzen agreed to send Biwako over to be the midwife. I sent Kakashi with some trusted ANBU to look over the location one more time to make sure they didn't miss anything," answered Minato as he sat down on their couch.

Kushina looked over to her son, "Naruto, why don't you show your dad the surprise you prepared for him?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot all about that! Give me a sec, Tou-san!" Naruto yelled as he scurried over to his room to show his dad his little surprise.

When Naruto left the living room to go upstairs, Kushina asked in a quiet, worried tone, "Do you think there'll be any problems? There weren't so many security measures when Naruto was born." A small frown formed on her face.

"Well, I just wanted to be sure. You remember how the seal weakened when you were giving birth to Naruto. I have to focus on maintaining your seal, so the Kyuubi doesn't escape. Really caught me with my pants down last time. I just don't want anything to go wrong when we're all so vulnerable." Minato replied as he tried to assure his wife that everything was fine.

Kushina was reassured that everything would be okay when Naruto suddenly came running down the stairs with a drawing in hand. The redhead looked at her excited son with love in her eyes, and a smile reappeared on her face.

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