Genin Days Chapter 14: Mission to Taki Part 4

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 29: Mission to Taki Part 4

With Naruto and Zabuza

The two swordsmen stopped at a familiar bridge. Naruto smiled when he saw the sign.

'The Swordsmen's Bridge'

"Heh, who would have thought we would be back here?" Naruto asked Zabuza.

Zabuza chuckled. "Well, I can't say the idea didn't cross my mind when I thought about who to hire for the rebellion. Though I expected to be able get the whole team."

Naruto shrugged. "Eh. The team is mostly broken up now. We all got our own teams and stuff to worry about. I'm a Jonin sensei now, if you recall."

"Who would have thought. The legendary Fox of Konoha, teaching some snot-nosed Genin." Zabuza commented.

"Some snot-nosed Genin that kicked your Chunins' ass, if I'm not mistaken." Naruto added, as they walked across the bridge.

They walked into the village of Wave, and Naruto was pleased at the stark difference he could see, compared to the last time he was here.

It wasn't like the village had turned into a major village full of huge houses and luxuries like Konoha overnight.

However, the village was going under some major reconstruction, and most of the dilapidated shacks were now mostly gone, with modest, yet functional and adequate homes taking their place.

The biggest difference however, was the atmosphere. Gone was the dark and gloomy atmosphere of hopelessness that hung over the village like a dark mist, and in its place was an upbeat, hopeful atmosphere, full of bustling activity.

With the fishing and shipping industry back in full swing, and the pollution from Gato's businesses now mostly cleaned up, people were up and about, and the markets were full of business and activity.

He could see kids running around, with smiles on their faces, playing as kids should, and he didn't see any thugs depriving people of their dignity.

"Naruto nii-san? Is that you?"

Naruto turned around when he heard a familiar voice.

"Well, well. Look who it is. I almost didn't recognize you without your gloomy attitude!" Naruto teased Inari as he greeted him.

"Geez, Nii-san! You don't have to be so mean!" Inari said as he punched Naruto in the stomach playfully.

Obviously, it had zero impact on Naruto, but he played along. "Oof! Hey, hey. I was just kidding! You look good kid! Looks like you got some more meat on your bones, and that wooden sword in your belt is a good accessory!"

Inari responded with a wide smile.

"And it's not just for decoration! I've been practicing every day, just like you told me to!" Inari boasted.

"Ah, so you think yourself a swordsman now? Why don't we see what you can do with that stick then?" Zabuza asked Inari.

Inari knew Zabuza wasn't a bad guy, or after his family anymore, but he was still slightly scared of the man.

"Umm... I don't think I'm good enough to spar against you yet, Zabuza-san." Inari responded meekly.

Naruto laughed out loud as he smacked Zabuza on the back.

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