Academy Chapter 6: The Hammer Falls

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 10: The Hammer Falls

The day after Shisui's "Disappearance"

If the Uchiha Clan was tense before Shisui seemed to disappear, after his disappearance, it was on lockdown. The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a kunai. They had lost the strongest member of the clan overnight, with no real clues on what had happened. All they had was a strange suicide note from the missing man.

There was a lot of talk around the clan about what this note meant. Many doubted his disappearance as a suicide, as it was very unlike Shisui to just die like that. Itachi was suspected by some, as he was the one of the two key members missing from last night's clan meeting. The other had been Shisui. Many even thought he had killed Shisui on the Hokage's orders, as Shisui had been an integral part of their plans for the coup.

Some clan members, who were police, gathered to go confront Itachi.

"So where were you last night?" one Uchiha asked.

"I was busy with ANBU duties, and then met with Izumi before dropping her off home. Is there a problem with that?" Itachi responded.

"You know who else was missing from the meeting last night? Shisui. The same Shisui that supposedly drowned in the Naka River last night." A different Uchiha mentioned.

Itachi's face betrayed none of his thoughts, though he was grieving his part in Shisui's death. "So Shisui has died. That is most unfortunate."

The Uchiha members that had gathered shared looks with each other. What a strange response for someone who was so close with Shisui.

"As the police, we have taken it upon ourselves to investigate what happened. We have come across his suicide note." The first Uchiha told Itachi.

"This is Shisui's suicide note. We have already finished the handwriting analysis. This is no doubt, his writing." An older Uchiha clansman informed Itachi as he handed him the suicide note.

Itachi responded. "If it's suicide, what is left to investigate?"

A different Uchiha, slightly younger than the leader of the gathered bunch, replied. "For those who can use the Sharingan, it's quite easy to forge one's handwriting."

"I doubt a man like him would leave something like this behind and die." A different Uchiha clansman accused.

"He was someone who'd do any mission for the clan. He was feared as Shunshin no Shisui, and one of the most talented Uchiha..." the oldest clansmen present commented.

Itachi just read the suicide note quietly. It read:

I'm tired of the duties...

There is no future for Uchiha...

And for me...

I cannot walk out the "path" any further

He realized it was indeed written by Shisui, but half of it was missing, torn away by somebody. He realized the hidden meaning behind his note. It was his last warning to their clan to turn from their current path.

Itachi finally spoke to the clansmen who were awaiting his response. "It's not wise to judge others by your preconceptions and their appearances."

"We'll leave that note with you. Why don't you take that to the ANBU and have them investigate as well." The leader of the bunch told Itachi.

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