Genin Days Chapter 25: A Hero's Return

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 40: A Hero's Return

On the Streets of Konoha

"I heard he destroyed a whole regiment of shinobi by himself."

"A regiment? I heard it was a whole battalion!"

"You guys have been hearing nonsense. He destroyed a whole army! Alone!"

"Is it true that he defeated the Mizukage on the same day?"

"Wasn't the Mizukage the Sanbi?"

"He defeated a Bijuu??"

"That's crazy! He truly is the second coming of the Yondaime!"

"Guys! I heard he's coming today!"

"No way! We should go greet him!

Narumi's ears perked up to the rumors that were circulating around the town as she waited for her minions, nibbling on a stick of dango.

She tried to mind her own business, but she couldn't help but notice the massive crowd that began to gather, starting from the gates, all the way to where she was sitting.

"What's all this fuss about?" She wondered out loud to herself as she got up and began to crane her neck to see what was going on.

"He's here! The hero of the Kiri civil war! Our next hero of Konoha!"

Narumi tried to see who this person was, and tried to squeeze through the taller crowd, so she could see who they were talking about.

However, when she tried to squeeze through, she was roughly pushed back by angry and annoyed elbows and backs.

"Where do you think you're cutting in front of? Buzz off, brat!"

"I'm just trying to see who this hero is!" Narumi argued back as she tried to enter through another opening she saw.

"Get lost, kid!"

She was shoved back harshly, falling on her bottom. "Oww! Hey!"

"Boss!" Konohamaru, who had just appeared on the scene with his friends, yelled out when he saw his boss get pushed to the ground.

"Oh. Hey, Konohamaru-chan, Moegi-chan, Udon-chan." Narumi greeted them as she rose and dusted off her hands and butt.

"How dare they lay their filthy hands on our boss! Let's get em guys!" Konohamaru yelled out.

"It's fine. No need to make a big deal about it. It's probably some stupid stuff. My nii-chan always told me crowds were for sheep anyway. Let's get out of here. We've got training to do anyway, right?" Narumi told her three minions, trying to deescalate the situation.

The mention of training distracted Konohamaru right away, as he was excited to show Narumi the practice he had put in since their last training session.

Narumi giggled at Konohamaru's enthusiasm, and ruffled his hair. "Alright my minions! To training ground 7! Last one there owes everyone a stick of dango! Go!"

Narumi and the three children ran off, leaving the crowd with a cloud of dust in their wake.

"Those brats!" Some people coughed as the dust settled.

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