The Chunin Exams Chapter 8: The Preliminaries Part 2

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 49: The Preliminaries Part 2

Narumi looked at Sasuke with concern as he was carried away into the infirmary by Naruto.

"Do you think he's ok?" Narumi asked Hinata who looked unsure herself.

"I-I don't know..." Hinata quietly replied. She had seen a lot of herself in Sasuke's fight, with her being just as drained and injured as he was, and she suspected the sudden burst of energy and chakra she observed from Sasuke was related to the vision or dream she had while she was unconscious.

Hinata's response didn't really instill Narumi with confidence, and she decided to go check up on her friend.

"Let's go check if he's ok!" Narumi told Hinata before she threw her onto her back and snuck away, following Naruto as quickly as she could.

Hinata was just as concerned and wanted to see how Sasuke was, but there was one question lingering in her mind.

"N-Narumi-chan? What are we going to do if they call us next?"

Narumi halted for a second before continuing on. "I mean, what are the chances they call us next? We'll just be checking in on him for a second."

Hinata considered Narumi's point but still wasn't completely sold. Still, she went along, mostly because she was too tired to protest, and also, she was being carried.

"The next match is... Uzumaki Narumi and Abumi Zaku!" Hayate's voice rang out.

Narumi skidded to a halt. Dang it! She totally jinxed herself with that one!

"Ugh. Me and my big mouth." Narumi complained.

She let Hinata get off of her back. "Check on Sasuke-chan for me, ok? I'll be back as soon as possible!"

Hinata nodded at Narumi, who didn't even stay to see Hinata's response before she sprinted off towards the arena.

Hinata grunted slightly in pain before she turned around and limped towards the room Sasuke was at, using the wall to support herself.


Narumi vs Zaku

Hayate was considering disqualifying Narumi for not coming to the arena, when she sprinted onto the scene.

"I'm here! I'm here!"

Hayate looked over at Narumi and sighed. She was nothing like her brother when it came to keeping time it seemed.

"Alright. Come stand here in front of Zaku-san here so we can get the fight started."

Zaku glared at Narumi as he pounded a fist into his palm. He was furious that Dosu had lost to Sasuke, and he was determined to make short work of this no-name loser to get revenge for the wounded pride of Otogakure.

Narumi took her place at the center of the arena as she caught her breath and got ready.

Kiba watched the two get ready to fight but couldn't help but feel like he had been cheated. He was totally being robbed of his opportunity to finish the fight that had started in the forest. A few more minutes and he could've have finished him off. He didn't want to admit it, but part of him wanted Narumi to lose so he could have another shot at Zaku.

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