The Chunin Exams Chapter 2: The Written Exam

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 43: The Written Exam

In Room 302, the Stage for the First Portion of the Chunin Exams

"I'm Morino Ibiki, the Examiner of the first portion of the Chunin Exams."

The three belligerent Sound Genin immediately piped down when they realized who they were speaking to.

Ibiki smirked when he saw the Sound Genin realize who he was. Looked like they knew who was in charge. Good.

"Now, I suggest you Sound Genin stop doing as you please, or I'll disqualify all three of you before the Exams even begin. Am I understood?"

The three Sound Genin nodded. "Apologies. This is our first time taking the Exams. We must have gotten carried away."

"I might as well use this opportunity to address everyone." Ibiki began, turning to the rest of the Genin present. "Fighting is prohibited, unless specifically permitted by the examiner."

He scanned the crowd, looking for anyone who dared to disagree with his rules. "And as far as you are all concerned, I am the law here. Anyone who dares to disobey me will be disqualified immediately."

Many of the Genin gulped nervously at the intimidating aura exuding off of Ibiki. He could smell the fear on them, and it made him smile a sadistic smile.


In the Jonin Lounge

"Sheesh, they got that sadist as the examiner?" Kakashi commented as he walked into the lounge, where many of the Jonin sensei had gathered while they waited for their Genin to finish the first part of the exams.

"Kakashi! My rival!" Gai shouted out, alerting the other Jonin sensei when he saw his friend. "What are you doing here?"

Kakashi shrugged as he pulled out the book he always kept on hand. "I'm a part-time sensei for Team 7. Wanted to see how those rascals would do in the Exams."

"Sadist?" Kurenai asked in concern, bringing back the topic brought up by Kakashi, not being familiar with Ibiki or his reputation.

"Ah, right. I keep forgetting you've only become a Jonin recently." Asuma said as he smacked his forehead.

"You see, Ibiki is the commanding officer of the Torture and Interrogation Force in Konoha." Asuma told Kurenai.

Her ruby eyes widened when she heard that. "Torture and Interrogation??" What the hell was Konoha doing putting such a man in charge of the Chunin Exams?

"He's a consummate expert in the T&I department." Asuma explained. "One of the best to ever take the position. He's no Yamanaka, but he can play with your mind like a toy. He's famous for specializing in breaking people down without even hurting them."

"At least physically." Kakashi added as he flipped a page. "The sick bastard thoroughly enjoys the process of methodically breaking people down too. You know what they say, no one's better than a man who loves his work."

"His methods are most unyouthful, but I must admit his diligence and devotion to his work is commendable." Gai added.

Kurenai couldn't help but feel concerned for her Genin. She hoped Sakura wouldn't get psyched out, or Kiba wouldn't fall into some trap.

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