Academy Chapter 7: After a Nightmare

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 11: After a Nightmare

"Tou-san! Kaa-chan! NO!"

He could do nothing as he watched a blonde man stand in front of his redheaded wife to protect her from the sword that meant to pierce through her. The assailant pirouetted on the ball of his foot as he pulled the sword out of the blonde man, and delivered a devastating cut to the blonde man, cutting deeply into his chest. A red line appeared on the blonde's chest, and blood began to spew from the cut like a fountain.

He suddenly looked down at his own chest, which showed a severe cut, revealing cut bones and organs. Strangely, he felt no pain, but he fell on his knees. He looked behind him to see the face of his crying mother, a face he hadn't seen in 7 years.

"Kaa-chan..." he whispered softly.

His mother had tears streaming down her face, and blood slowly began to leak from her mouth and her eyes.

"...Why... Why didn't you protect us? ...why did you let us die?" she gurgled out, a river of blood now rushing down her chin to soak the ground the same shade as her hair.

"No... Kaa-chan... I-I tried. There was nothing I could do..." He said in a voice almost too quiet to hear.

His mother began to shrink and de-age, until she morphed into his little sister.

"Nii-chan... I was so scared... I thought you would protect me... I waited for you... but you never came... and now... I'm dead."

"Nooo... Narumi... Not you too..." he began to weep.

Suddenly his little sister rushed forward and stabbed him in the stomach with an ANBU chokuto.

He gasped and looked up in shock at his little sister, who now sported a three-pronged pinwheel pattern in her red eyes. A Mangekyo Sharingan. She suddenly turned into a flock of crows, and started to swarm him. He could do nothing, and felt like he was 7 years old again. He felt so powerless. He began to scream.

"AHHHHH!" Naruto screamed as he jolted up from his bed.

"Nii-chan! You're awake!" Narumi yelled out in relief, her hand holding one of his.

He looked at his hand, and followed it up his arms, to see various IVs inserted into them. He looked around and saw his light-blue blanket and white bedsheets. The room was very bare other than all the medical equipment that was inside. He realized he was in a hospital.

He grunted in pain when he tried to move. Everything was stiff and sore, and sitting up hurt his abdomen and lower back severely. He saw they were bandaged, and decided to lay back down.

"H-how l-long..." The blonde patient tried to speak, but his throat was so dry it was proving difficult. "W-water." He barely croaked out.

Narumi nodded eagerly and rushed to the pitcher and cup that was placed on a small table next to his bed. She came back with the cup of water and helped her brother drink.

"Is that better nii-chan?" Narumi asked her brother, who just motioned her to come closer with his arm. She got on his bed and cuddled next to him, and he hugged her tightly.

"You're alright. Thank Kami you're safe." Naruto whispered.

"I was so scared onii-chan. E-everyone was lying dead all over the place, and the b-blood!" She stammered out as she remembered the events of the night several days earlier.

The Jinchuuriki's Brotherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें