Academy Chapter 9: The Slug Sannin Part 1

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 13: The Slug Sannin Part 1

At the Hospital

Onyx eyes opened up, and began to look around, taking in the sight of the environment it was in. This didn't look like the ambassadors' room in Kusagakure, and it sure didn't look like her room, with the sterile, white color that was prevalent in the room, and all of the medical equipment and charts that were present. She was in a hospital.

Izumi sat up, and saw that she had spent the night sleeping on the visitor's bed in the hospital room. Events of last night began flooding back. She had cried herself to sleep, after coming over to thank Naruto. She barely even remembered why she had to thank Naruto, or her journey to the hospital at first, before it hit her all at once.

Her clan had nearly been wiped out. The strongest clan in the village of several hundred members had been cut down to a mere handful that she still hadn't seen yet. Somehow, her boyfriend Itachi had lost his marbles, and decided to kill everyone, shinobi and civilian alike. Itachi. Oh, how just thinking about that name stabbed at her heart like a thousand senbon. How could he do all this? How could he kill his whole family? How could he leave her whole family, leaving her with just her mother? How could he just leave her like this?

She remembered when her father, who wasn't an Uchiha, had died trying to protect others during the Kyuubi attack. She had been left alone with just her mother, and felt so alone. Then she was introduced to her greater, extended family: the Uchiha Clan. Now they were dead too, and she was alone with her mom once again.

Tears began to fall again, as she thought about Itachi and the fate of the Uchiha Clan, and she lowered her head and clenched at her blankets. Her tears began to stain her blankets, and she tried to wipe her eyes, and got up to go to the bathroom in Naruto's hospital room to wash her face with cold water.

Her feet touched the floor of the room, and immediately felt the cold tiles. Odd. When did she take off her shinobi sandals? She reached the bathroom and looked at the mirror after washing her face with cold water. Her reflection showed her that her mission gear, armor, and even her hitai-ite had been removed, and she was dressed in the plainer, more comfortable clothes she wore underneath her Chunin vest.

She had come to the room almost immediately after returning from the mission, and was still dressed in her mission outfit when she fell asleep. When did she remove her gear? She heard a brief snore, and looked at the corner of the mirror to see the reflection of a redheaded girl turning over in Naruto's patient's bed.

A small smile formed on Izumi's face at seeing her sister in all but blood. Then she realized it was probably Narumi who had changed her out of her mission gear, as Naruto would feel very uncomfortable changing a girl out of her clothes, even if it was just the outer layers. Naruto kept his boundaries with women, as he had been taught when he was young, and while he was the sweetest, most considerate person to his younger sister, he didn't really take care of others too much with stuff like this. He trusted his few friends to be able to take care of themselves, just like he took care of himself.

Naruto was a strange boy. He hid his inner thoughts and suppressed his emotions, to the point Izumi suspected he was emotionally stunted. He didn't seem to understand or deal with other's emotions or his own that well, but when he came to his sister, he seemed to be a different person. Was that normal?

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