Genin Days Chapter 23: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 9

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 38: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 9

In Konoha, with Team 7

Sasuke kept stealing glances at Narumi. Something was not right.

"Psst. Hinata. Do you know what's up with Narumi today?" Sasuke whispered to Hinata.

She shook her head. "I-I'm not sure. She's been in a strange mood ever since we reached the orphanage for the delivery mission."

"Do you think it's that time of the month?" Sasuke asked, only to receive such a threatening glare from Hinata that he shrunk back. He was surprised that someone like Hinata could even give such a scary look.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that, Sasuke-kun." Hinata told Sasuke with venom in her voice.

"What? It was just a guess, alright? It was just something I heard from Shikamaru." He said defensively. "I'm just trying to figure out why she's acting so strange today."

Hinata looked at Narumi with concern in her eyes, as she watched Narumi's shoulders slumped, and her eyes on the ground as she walked deep in thought.

"I see you're trying my training method of walking without looking where you're going. Good effort, but you'll need a book to really get the most out of that training." Kakashi told Narumi in an effort to brighten the mood, when he noticed something was up.

Her shoulders were still slumped over, but she raised her head to look at Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei?" She asked in a quieter voice than he was used to hearing from her.

"Hmm?" he replied as he kept up the appearance of reading his book as he walked.

"Do you know where my nii-chan is?" Narumi asked.

'Oh. So that's what it was all about.' Her three squad members thought to themselves.

"He's still probably on that mission he left on since that time in Taki." Kakashi replied as he flipped a page on his book.

"Still? But that was months ago! He's never been gone for this long before." Narumi commented.

"Do you... do you think something went wrong?" She asked in a worried tone.

Hinata walked closer to Narumi to hold her hand and gave her a gentle squeeze to comfort her, and to let her know she was there for her. However, she too was worried about her sensei.

"I wouldn't worry too much about him if I were you." Kakashi told Narumi. "He's one of the strongest shinobi I've ever seen in my life. I can't imagine anyone catching him off guard. His mission is probably just taking longer than usual."

Narumi felt a little better at hearing that, but it didn't stop her from being concerned.

Sensing the atmosphere, Kakashi decided it to call it a day, and let the kids go do something else.

"Look. I'll write up the report and wrap up this mission. Why don't the three of you guys go off and do something else? Help Narumi take her mind off of her worries." Kakashi suggested.

Sasuke and Hinata nodded in agreement. They already had an idea of what they should do for Narumi.

"Alright then. I'll see you kids tomorrow. Have fun, you three." Kakashi then disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

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