Genin Days Chapter 18: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 4

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 33: The Bloodline Rebellion Part 4

A Few Days Later, At a Rebel Base

"This... is so cruel. How could they do this? They weren't even combatants!" Haku said in shock, as she laid down the remains of a woman tightly holding her dead child in her arms.

"This is what happens when you're trying to remove the world of a bloodline. You make sure that you kill everyone who might one day pass down the trait." Zabuza told Haku as he gazed at the site of destruction.

Hundreds of bodies littered the path from the camp to the emergency bunker, many of them civilians.

"No signs of a fight here, other than the massive destruction of the base. They all died at the same time, unable to fight back." Naruto commented as he looked over the destroyed rebel base.

"How is this possible?" Haku questioned out loud.

"A strong-ass jutsu. One strong enough to kill everyone at once." Mangetsu responded, without any of the humor that was usually present in his tone.

"But who's strong enough to do something like this?" Suigetsu asked his brother.

"Yagura." Mei responded instead, clenching her fists tightly as she tried to control her rage. "This is most likely his work."

She looked around the site, taking in the sight of each dead body that was haphazardly thrown all over the place. Each one was a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a lover to someone. They all had their own hopes and dreams. Hopes and dreams of a better future. They had pinned their hopes on Mei, believing that she would lead them there. They would never see that future realized, all of that blotted out in a single moment of terror. That felt like a thousand daggers stabbed Mei in the heart. Every time some of her already few rebel shinobi died, it felt like she sent them to their deaths. With the indiscriminate death she saw here, she felt like a failure.

"Mei-sama! We found some survivors in the bunker!" Ao informed Mei, as he helped an injured survivor head over to Mei. "She says she can tell us what happened."

Mei ordered Haku to treat the survivor and get her some water.

As Haku cleaned and wrapped bandages around the kunoichi's wound, Mei began to question her.

"What happened here? Did you see what happened?"

The kunoichi nodded.

"It was just another night for everyone. We were cleaning up and getting ready to sleep for the night. I was ordered to set out the traps for fish for tomorrow's meal, so I was at the beach. I finished setting the traps, and was about to head back to camp, when I saw a ship heading this way. At first I couldn't see the ship well because it was dark and the ship was far away, but I soon saw the blue and red sails with the turtle insignia. It was Yagura's flag ship." The injured kunoichi recounted before she winced when Haku tightened the bandages around her leg.

"Please, continue. What happened next?" Mei asked.

"When I saw it was Yagura's ship, I immediately ran to the camp and told them Yagura was coming here. At first they didn't believe me, but a few other sentries came and told the others the same thing. The leader of the camp immediately tried to direct us into the bunker. I was at the door of the bunker, helping people get in, when suddenly..." She began to trail off as her eyes widened in terror as she remembered what happened.

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