Genin Days Chapter 5: D-Rank Missions Part 2

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 20: D-Rank Missions Part 2

At Training Ground 7

"So those are D-rank missions? Ugh, they're so lame! If I see that stinkin cat one more time! Ugh!" Narumi yelled out, throwing her hands in the air.

Sasuke nodded in agreement. "So, these are the kind of missions we'll be doing as Genin. What a waste of time. I'd rather train than to be someone's errand boy."

Hinata didn't really mind. Safe, easy missions, and she got to spend time with her 2 best friends? She'd take that any day. She wasn't sure she wanted to, or was ready to, go on life-or-death missions any time soon.

"Where's onii-chan anyway? What's taking him so long? What are we supposed to do for him while we wait?" Narumi thought to herself out loud.

"I guess we could get a little training in. Maybe work on our chakra control?" Sasuke suggested.

Narumi hated chakra control exercises but knew it's what she needed to work on the most. She reluctantly agreed.

The 3 Genin each grabbed a leaf from a nearby tree, and began to float it on their palms.

A few moments later, their sensei appeared in a swirl of leaves.

"Training while you were waiting for me? Now that's a great idea. Good job guys!" Naruto was pleased at their initiative.

Sasuke smiled at the praise, as it was his idea.

"I've decided we'll be having days where we'll do missions, and other days where we train the whole day. Missions are great, but it's more important to improve your skills and teamwork." Naruto informed his Genin team.

"But, nii-, I mean, sensei! We'll be falling behind everyone in missions then!" Narumi whined.

"Don't you worry about that. They won't be saying anything to you if you're stronger than them." Her brother told her.

"Now, let's get started with your afternoon training. Looks like you guys got the right idea already. We'll be working on both refining your chakra control, as well as expanding your reserves." Naruto told his team. "The exercise we'll be doing is called the tree walking exercise."

"T-tree walking?" Hinata asked.

"We'll be walking on trees?" Narumi asked, imagining them walking from branch to branch.

"Precisely. Watch." Naruto began to walk up a tree, using chakra to attach his feet to the tree as he walked up vertically.

"Woah! That's awesome! I'll never use another set of stairs again!" Narumi exclaimed.

Naruto chuckled as he sat on a branch. "Alright everyone. Now that you've seen what the exercise is, let me explain to you how it works. Basically, you focus chakra on your feet, and use it to stick your feet onto the tree. Now the trick is to get the amount of chakra you use just right. If you use too little, you won't stick, and if you use too much, you'll be propelled off of the tree."

He threw a kunai in front of each of his Genin's feet. "Use those kunai to mark the tree when you feel like you're losing control and about to fall off, so you can mark your progress. If you get to the top of the tree, walk up and down the tree until I tell you that you can stop. Now begin!"

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