・Released and reconciled・

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[2nd October 1982]

              Michael's POV
I can't believe this! Why is Tatum O'neal in my house? NO WAIT FIRST OF ALL HOW'D SHE EVEN GET IN?! I know damn well this trick didn't make a copy of my keys. This is actually so scary.

"Hello?? Hellooo??? MICHAEL!"
I jumped and came back to my thoughts well..I came back to hell not my thoughts.
I exhaled and rubbed my temples then finally spoke up. "Tatum..why are you here? And how'd you even get inside for God's sake?!" I finally looked up at her and we made eye contact... Kind of.

"Well, I decided to come here and congratulate you-" "Well thank you very much I really appreciate it now you can leave." I started walking up to her and sort of pulling her towards the door. "No Michael let go!" She got out of my grip as she yanked her arms out of my hand. "Okay what is it?! Its like.. 11 o'clock at night and you've gotten in my house! Goodness knows how you got inside! You know that's trespassing I could call the police on you and-" "SHUT UP LET ME FINISH!" I looked at her and rolled my eyes. She's always been a yappy person and its so annoying. "The reason I came here was to congratulate you and reconcile."


"Tatum I really don't have time for this I've been in the studio all day and I'm completely knackered. Can we sort this out another time?" "Fine since you're so tired Mr Jackson..lets go up in your room and we'll talk about it then." She smirked at me and said the last part seductively. I did not like that at all. "Tatum you know I don't let anyone in my room but me, myself and I. So let's just sit on the couch and talk about.. Whatever you want to talk about." She tutted at me and exhaled like she was pissed off then we sat across from each other and she started speaking.

"So I know that a few years back we went out to that party in 1979 and I tried seducing you and stuff-" "Yeah and then you tried seducing me again less than five minutes ago." "Not the point. Anyways, I know I tried unbuttoning your shirt and I talked about sex and stuff and I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I'd like us to be friends because I don't want to be enemies because we really got along and I was the one that screwed up and-" she started sniffling and her voice kind of cracked. I didn't know if this was another one of her tricks or if she was genuinely upset and felt guilty for what she did. It looked like it could go either way but I didn't want to be rude so I hesitated then hugged her and stroked her back.

"I mean.. I guess it's okay and we were both quite young and I'm happy you know that you were in the wrong." She came out of my embrace then looked up at me. "I'm not gonna say I hate you but then I'm not gonna say I love you either. I'm still thinking about it but I'd like to be friends and nothing more and never talk about that situation again. Deal?"

She sat up properly then sniffled and wiped her nose a bit. "Deal." We shook hands then I got her a glass of water and tissues. I started to feel bad because she is still young and is still kind of maturing.

I asked Bill to drive her home then we said our farewells and I went to bed. I wonder what tomorrow will bring me.

[4th November 1982]

                  Doja's POV
I've finally made 'so high' and I'm quite pleased with the results (listen to the song at the top of this page!!) I'm also 17 now (my birthday was on the 21st of October!!) and! I've made a name for myself which is "Doja cat." I chose that name because I love weed and another word for weed is Doja and it sounds like a girls name. Then 'cat' because I love cats! So it's the best of both worlds to be honest. I'm gonna release my song on the 8th of this month because I feel like it's just a good day for some reason. I think I'll just have a little celebration party with my mother, bestie Deontré, favourite aunt then another one of my friends.

I released 'so high' on an app called SoundCloud. You can explore lots of other artists on there too, specifically small ones or people who make remixes and what not. Its really cool to be honest! I haven't really heard anything about Michael except he's releasing an album sometime this month. But MTV said that they'll tell us when he's releasing it a day before the release date. I honestly can't wait!!

[7th November 1982]
I was listening to some music on MTV (including Nicki Minaj's)and instead of a break there was some important news.
"Good afternoon everyone! This just in,Michael Jackson is releasing his album called 'Thriller'' tomorrow at three pm. Click on the MTV channel tomorrow at 2pm to watch the live release and a special interview by Mr Jackson! You'll also be able to listen to the soundtrack on MTV!"


I ran upstairs quickly and told my mom and aunt that were doing something upstairs. "Mom mom mom!!!" "What is it Amala what happened?!" "Michael Jackson is releasing his album tomorrow! WHICH IS THE SAME DAY I'M RELEASING IT ON!" Me my aunt and mom all squealed in joy and we were so happy! We talked about it for God knows how long then I went to my room and started planning an outfit for tomorrow.

To be continued...

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