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August 3rd 1984//Amala's house
Amala's POV

For the past month/month in a half I've been working on some songs and I'm going to release an album on the 5th of August. I'm so excited because hopefully one day I can get noticed and get even bigger as an artist.

In late 1983 I signed to a label record called RCA records. It wasn't finalised until earlier this year (which I haven't pointed out yet but now you know!).

I've made some tracks and I'm gonna be putting them in this order-
1. Beautiful
2. Nunchunks
3. So High
4. No police
5. Control

I re-released so high and made it into a 'better version' which I'm proud of as it came out better than the first version. Me and some immediate family and a few close friends are having a little release party for my album which I heavily appreciate. Imagine one day I go to the grammys and win a grammy or two? That'd be so dope.


I heard a notification come from my phone and I checked it out.

Hey Ami, I heard you're releasing a little album in a few days. I'm going to be busy tomorrow and the day after that so I just want to send you this message to congratulate you on releasing an album at such a young age. I hope it really sets you off and you become a big artist one day. Just like your best friend Applehead. Anyways, I have a great day and I'll see if I have time to send you a little gift :)

-lots of love

I was smiling so hard! It has been a while since he sent me a message, I responded with a message back thanking him and then switched off my phone to get on with the rest of my day.

Michael's POV//Hayvenhurst

"Who were you texting Michael." I heard a stern voice and lifted up my head from my phone to see a Joseph Jackson hovering in front of me.
"Uh I was texting Amala, Joseph."

"Ha! That little girl? She's not even 18 yet, boy, you better stop fooling with these younger girls- you know what, you can't talk to any girls except your sisters, mother, and any family! Women are a distraction, especially when you're performing or bringing out an album!"

He kept ranting to me about how women are a waste of time when I finally had enough.

"You know what Joseph! I don't need to listen to you! I'm a grown man, I'm 24 almost 25 and I'm building up my own career as a solo artist! What I do is my buisness not yours! I'm not that little boy who would sit in a corner scared and crying, terrified from you hitting me! I'm not going to be taken advantage of! You're just mad that I'm finally being independent and you don't want that because you still want me to be that sissy little 8 year old boy, and that's not gonna happen!"

He looked at me star-struck while I panted after finally yelling at him and pouring out not even 10% of my emotions. He nodded and just started to smile maliciously. I knew that 'smile'. I call it, 'the devil's smile'. He went to launch his fist at me but I managed to quickly duck down and miss his hit. He started yelling and ranting at me once again until Mother came down.

"What on earth is going on here!"
"Your little shit of a son is being disrespectful! "That little shit of a son is your child as well!" I hated it when mother and Joseph argued. He could get violent easily and it reminded me of my childhood.

Let's just say, stuff got nasty pretty quickly.

"I'm trying to teach him a valuable lesson and he's not listening! Katherine, fix your son because I've had enough with his bullshit."

Joseph barged past my mother and went up the stairs into his bedroom. When he accepted defeat, that was the first thing he did. Go to his bedroom to sulk.

I went up to my mother and gave her a hug.
"Michael I know what Joseph said wasn't true, and I could hear everything. You should really try to find a permanent place, it would be for the better. You wouldn't have to deal with all this stress."

"Don't worry, I'll find a place soon. Listen, I'm really tired I'm going to sleep."
I gave her a kiss on the cheek then went up to my bedroom and fell into a peaceful slumber.

August 5th 1984//Amala's POV

Today is the day!! I'm releasing purrr and I'm so excited! Me and my friends/family went to my computer so I could press 'publish' on the album.

"Alright are you ready? 1..2..3..!"


"It's released!"

We all cheered in joy. It wasn't that much but it was the first destination to the road of success. Although Michael said he was going to be busy I at least expected a little message. A few weeks ago he promised he'd wait for the premiere on soundcloud. But, what can I say? Times and schedules change.!

We all celebrated with food,drinks,and a mini cake that had a picture of 'purrr' on it. I started getting messages of people congratulating me. I was so happy. Is this what it feels like to release something important to you?

Man, I wish I could feel this everyday...

//Michael's pov//
I'm on a quick break for rehearsals and I was about to text Amala when Joseph came in and snatched my phone off me.

"Boy! What did I tell you about texting girls?!"

He threw my phone on the floor and started stomping on it. I stared in shock as well as my brothers.



"You know what. I'm done. You guys can carry on rehearsing but I'm getting the fuck up outta here."

I stormed out of the building slamming the door behind me.

"Mike? What's wrong you seem pissed?" My driver Bill asked.

"No bill, I'm really happy actually" I said in a sarcastic manner, "just drive. Take me to neverland. I'm going to the main house."

"Alrighty, we should be there in an hour or two."

As much as I love neverland I hate the fact that it's a two hour drive. So 99% of the time I just stay at Hayvenhurst as it's less transport and I know a few more areas around there.

Even though I should really be focusing on the victory tour I'm mainly focusing on another phone and how I'm getting those contacts back.

Especially Amala's.

At this point I just want to get a nice warm shower and go to sleep, but we still have a long time left in this journey...

So like, i didnt know how to end this so i just ended it here bc it would've went on and on and on. next chapter will be short but the chapter after that will be exciting :))

thank u for reading


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