• Smoking doja are we? •

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[January 12th 1983]

For a while now I've been smoking. Tobacco but mainly weed. I haven't told Michael because I feel like he's gonna cut all connections with me but I can tell he's noticed the change in my voice.

If you smoke or know anything about smokers then you know that after smoking repeatedly your voice will start to change. Since I only meet him every few months (or every few weeks at a time if I'm lucky) and since I smoke alot, he can tell a difference in my voice. It's gotten raspier and a bit lower,but I can still sing quite well and I feel like my voice gives a unique "effect" to my music if you get what I mean.

I'm in the middle of making a song that I don't know if I'll release or not,and smoking at the same time. But apart of my love for weed, I also love cats! I'm not sure if I mentioned this already but now you know if I didn't. So that's why I chose the name Doja cat as doja is another word for weed and I think it has a feminine act to it,and cats because well,I love cats.

As I'm taking another puff of my cigarette, I hear someone opening my bedroom door. I knew it wasn't my mom because I'm home alone..

As I'm opening Amala's bedroom door I smell the stench of marijuana and I'm stunned at what I'm seeing. A 17 year old Amala smoking, well.. basically drugs.

She quickly looks up at me,mouth gaped open and startled. "Michael I- it's-" She couldn't even come up with any words! "It's what?! You're here smoking weed or marijuana or whatever you wanna call it! Does your mother even know about this??"

"Michael." She puts her cig on her pink glittery ash tray. It's kinda hot and I'm getting slightly turned on but at the same time she's damaging herself inside and out doing this. "My mom knows about this an-" "And she's fine with it?! What would your father-" I quickly stopped myself knowing what I was about to say and she just stared at me with her head slightly tilted to her left with raised eyebrows.

"Pfft!" She scoffs. "My dad isn't even in the picture,and plus my mom doesn't really mind I don't think,as long as I keep it far away from her and she's supportive of what I do.. That's why I dropped out of school."

"You what."

Trust me,I love Michael but he's being so annoying right now. Me smoking or dropping out of school doesn't affect him. It only affects me,and yes my mom wasn't impressed at the idea of me dropping out of high school but it's whatever I guess.

"I dropped out of school at 16 Mike, it's not really that big of news to be honest." "Amala,you're so young though! You have your whole life ahead of you,if your music career doesn't work out then what are you gonna do?" "I'm not sure I might be a dancer or something but my mom didn't 100% approve of my idea. As the whole reason I dropped out of school was because I got high."

"Is that why you wrote so high?" "Is that your main intrest at this moment in time Michael?But,no I wrote it about someone." Yeah that person is you Michael. "Oh..okay. Listen Amala, do what you want then, and I wish the best for you."

"Michael why are you even here? I'm not being rude by the way I was just asking." "Well,I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something. Or we could write songs?" I could feel my face lighting up and obviously I agreed.

He asked if he could hear some of my latest songs and I shown him. I shown him one of my songs but I'm not sure what I'm gonna call it but I'm thinking of calling it No police (check top of this chapter!)I'm also not sure when I'm gonna release it.

"That song's really good. Also sorry for before when I assumed stuff about you smoking and alla' that." "It's okay,I only hid it from you because I feared that you'd cut contact with me and hate me for it and-" He lifted up my chin to look at him. "Amala trust me I wouldn't its not my life its yours." His face came closer to mine then before you know it,we're kissing and rubbing our hands all over each other.. That's until we hear the front door unlocking and quickly stop then fix ourselves.

"Mala! I'm home!" "Alright momma!"

"Hm,so she's not gonna come up here. Also does she know that you're even here Michael?" "Yeah I let her know hourse before I came here." "Oh okay."

Michael stayed for ages until it was dinner and he was going to leave but my mom insisted that he stays longer and eats with us. I swear she has a crush on him or something. Afterwards he went home and took some food. (Obviously because my amazing mother insisted.) We said our byes then he left and I felt very happy for some reason. I took a bath and was about to go to bed until I got a message on my phone.

Thanks for the dinner and kiss. Hopefully we can take it to a next level when we're older ;)
-Michael <3

I giggled to myself before sending a message back.

You're welcome Mike! I hope for the same thing.

He gave me the nickname Lala and its so cute! I switched off my phone then went to sleep feeling happy.

[The next day]

Lately, seven singles from my album thriller have been been dashing into the top 10's including Billie Jean, Wanna be startin' somethin', Beat It, and most importantly, Thriller. I also got news that in May I'll be performing at Motown 25 which I'm looking forward to. As Diana Ross will be there and she's been my crush since I was very young. And I'll also be performing with my brothers as 'The Jackson 5.'

And hopefully Amala will watch me live! My family has been very proud of my success. Especially Joseph, but there's also a mid side to that as he's been asking me for lots of money lately. I swear, he think's I'm some typa bank or somethin'. He can suck my socks!

But I've been thinking of getting Amala a record label deal. But at the moment I can't because I'm too busy with a bunch of other stuff and I'm going to be going to lots of important events. And I can't sacrifice that for Amala. But she told me that she's been getting a bit popular after her song so high and I'm so proud of her.

I knew she was gonna be succesful the day I invited her on stage and she sung with me. I had to stop day dreaming when I realised that someone was calling me. "Hello?" "Hello son."

Oh my God it's Joseph. Watch he's gonna ask me for some money. "Hello Joseph what's wrong?" "I need some money from you son." "Joseph.. I the money for other stuff plus-" "Boy you have lots and lots of money. Why can't you just lend me some?" "Like I said,I need it for other stuff. Now I'm busy so I'll speak to you later" "Michael
Joseph Jackson, if you-" I ended the call then put the phone down.

"Boy shut up,get your own money you have a job for a reason." I kissed my teeth then got back to paper work with occasional day dreaming.

Thanks for reading this chapter! I'm gonna release chapters that are quicker and they speed up to main events so then we can get to the late 80's (in this book obvi) where the stuff gets more intresting. So if I jump from one year to another in a few chapters you'll know why :))


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