• Reaching my peak •

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[February 26th 1983]

I woke up this morning to my phone ringing so many times. At first I wanted to ignore it but it became so irritating so I answered,and I saw the display name that said 'Frank Dileo' so I had to answer just incase. "*Scoff* Hello? I'm trying to get some rest!" "Michael you won't believe it!"

"What, what happened?" "Your album Thriller is number one on The Billboard Top LPs & Tapes chart!" "WHAT?" I sat up on my bed and was really awoken. "SAY ON GOD" "ON GOD"

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD SINCE WHEN?" "SINCE THIS MORNING!" I got out of bed and started parading around my room in pride and joy after the news I heard. I put my phone on speaker and started checking my phone as I was bombarded with congratulation messages.

-Dunk :3

I'm so happy on your sucess lil bro :))
-La Toya

We're all so happy on your sucess on your album and entire career. We wish you all the best Michael <3
-Jackson Family

Congratulations on your sucess smelly we love you! Keep on grinding!! <333
-Amala and Elizabeth Sawyer

I had so many other messages from other family and friends and I'm so happy for all the support that they're giving me it really means alot to me.

[A few hours later]

I was reading the newspaper while eating breakfast, which is something I don't do as the tabloids usually store lots of trash. Until I read something that really caught my eye. 'Michael Jackson's recent album Thriller has topped number one on charts and breaks racial barriers in popular music. As one of the few African American's shooting to stardom with success.'

Woah, for once the tabloids aren't talking smack about people that could buy them! I kinda appreciate it, but I just know that soon they're gonna say some bullshit about me and other artists. But it's whatever I guess.

I keep getting more messages and emails about my success. It's kind of annoying but I really appreciate it.

[April 30th 1983]

Today was another day in Neverland while surfing through the channels while my feet are up on the coffee table. 'Hmm, there's nothing good to watch." I kept on surfing through the channels until I landed on MTV. There was nothing better to watch so I decided to listen to some music. That was until I realised I wasn't being played on any of the top 100s.

I was so dissappointed until it came to number one and I heard the intro to 'Beat It' playing. "Now I know damn well.."

They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't wanna see your face you better disappear
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it..
Just beat it.

"MY SONG IS NUMBER ONE!" Once again I started parading around. And I got congrats messages. Damn. God has really been with me in the past few months, and I'm so thankful for it.


Lately Michael has been getting more and more fame over the days from his music and I'm so happy. Hopefully one day I'll be getting invited to big events like him and be famous and stuff. I've heard mixed stuff about the music industry though. Matter of fact, Hollywood in general.

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