Atlantic records

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Catherine's pov

I am Rusk, I met Snow online threw this random secret talking app called talk secret that I had downloaded about three years ago with no reasons.

After 1 year of not using it at all.
I got a notification from a new message,
Thats when I first talked to Snow,
We soon realized that we ha a lot in common like both our passion for music, food and to travel.

We have now talked to each other for 2 years almost everyday. He instantly became my best friend that I can trust and rely on.

We decided to never tell our true identity's until we met in person, we swore to meet each other fully surprised. We only know our genders and stuff about our hobbies and personal stuff.

I am 19 years old, my birthday is the 9th of September 1998. I am Korean but born in Canada, both my parents were born in Korea. After my father had finished his military services, my parents moved to Canada and had me.I was originally from Toronto, Canada.

But as I grew up in love with the stage and music, my dream is now to become a singer.
I had thought of going to Korea and go into Kpop, but after learning more about how they do their music stuff, I kind of got scared and decided to go to America.

I am now currently in America in Los Angeles with my aunt to pursue my dream.

Atlantic records had seen my covers on Youtube and reached out to me if I was ready to be part of a trio they had been working on for years now.

I accepted and they will decide if I get to become a singer in the group.

I got to meet the other two girls, Anne and Tris,if we make a good demo, we get to debut, they're both very nice and dedicated as much as I am to impress the record label. They are both super talented, Tris has the strong vocals and Anne has rapping abilities, im kind of just a shadow behind them.

I lived with my aunt for about 5 years now, my father had passed away when I was 13 and my mother abandoned me about a year later.
My aunt moved from Korea to Canada and took me in before I was placed at an Orphanage.

She had asked me if I wanted to move there but I really liked it in Canada.

Without her I wouldn't be here to reach my goal.

My aunt got a great job that she loves and we have a house in LA.

The food and stores are great here but I would kill for Tim Hortons once a month.

Its also very hot all year long so Christmas is much more strange without Snow.
— — —
The sound of construction from next door was my alarm almost everyday now.
It felt like the drills and hammers were piercing thru my head at 5:30 am.

The smell of freshly cut wood was already inside my room, I liked the smell of cut wood.

I got up and got dressed in my Monsta X hoodie and a pair of white jeans.
I headed downstairs to make breakfast.

My aunt works early in the morning so I usually get up myself alone most days.

I made pancakes with a bowl of fruits and a glass of water.

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