goodbyes means forgetting

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We were halfway to the airport, me and Minho didn't speak at all the entire drive, he spoke to Felix and Aunt Grace, I just kept my eyes outside, enjoying the good weather we were finally having.

"I miss Canada" I randomly spit out, with a sigh.

"I do too" my aunt adds.

"Is it that different?" Felix asks.

"I mean not really, but its still a big change for some reason, I Don't feel at home here." I respond.

"Im sure you'll get more used to it Cat." Minho says, looking at me with sweet glowy eyes. His words reassured me somehow.

Felix turns around to face us.
"Are you guys friends again?" He asks.

We both smile and nod.
"Of course" Minho answers, looking at me.

"Good, because I like you both." Felix says, while turning back around.

"Im glad too, Minho, your a good person to Catherine, She needs you in her life, believe me." My aunt adds.

I felt my cheeks getting hotter each second.
It was no secret that Aunt Grace wanted me to go out with Minho, he was super nice, compared to boys my age,good looking and mature.

"Don't worry Mrs. Park, I'm not letting her push me away easily." He reply's.

I felt my heart beating,
Stop it Minho, I think to myself.

We put on Stray Kids album on repeat the way there, the volume as high as we could.
We finally arrived at the airport.
I look at Minho before we get out of the car. He looked at me and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Please Don't cry now, you're going to make me cry" he says, letting out a small laugh.

I smile and try to hold back a tear.
They both grabbed their stuff and we walked them just until the entrance.

I walked next to Minho, our shoulders almost touching the entire way until the entrance.

We finally get to the entrance, we stop before the door, this was it, This was the last time I see them before who knows when.

I let out a sigh, Minho took a deep breath, let go of his luggage and bit his lip.

I turn to Felix first, Gave him a hug.
"Thank you for coming" I say.

"I was happy to be able to come to America and see you and Tris."
He says.

I turn to Minho, he looked at the floor and then slowly raised his eyes to me.

A tear immediately fell from my eyes without me noticing.
I take a few steps toward him, my arms crossed.
"So this is goodbye." He says.
I shake my head.
"Stop it with goodbyes, you know I hate them." I say, wiping another tear from my eyes.

"Saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting." I add.

His eyes went teary and I immediately wrap my arms around him and closed my eyes.

"Goodbyes are not forever Cat," He says, in my ear. "Goodbyes, their not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you until me meet again." He finishes.

He tightens the grip around me and lets me go a few seconds later.

"Remember what I said, Take care of yourself, And if you need to talk about anything,call me, alright?" He reminds me, I nod my head, trying to stop my tears from falling.

"Until next time Rusk." He says and walks inside, Felix followed him from behind, They both turned around, I wave them goodbye through the glass door and watched them walk away towards their flight.

Aunt grace wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we were walking back to the car.

"You liked him didn't you." She says.

I nod my head.
"More than I've liked anyone before." I admit to her.

She sighs, rubbing my back.
"Thats why I stayed single after my heart got shattered by an asshole 10 years ago." She laughs.

I manage to smile at her response.
"How badly did you like him?"

"I love him" I honestly admit.

"Those he know that?" She asks.

No, i dont think so.

My eyes widen. I stop walking, freeze in place and look at my aunt in her face.

"What?" She asks, concerned.

"I love him!" I yell, a bright smile on my face.

I take out my phone and go on my contacts, I find Minho's number and press CALL.

I put the phone to my ears, turning around and running back to the entrance.

He answers almost immediately.
"Miss me already Rusk?" He asks.

"Minho, you said that I could tell you anything?" I say as I rush inside the airport, looking around the crowded airport for him.

"Yeah?" He answers. "Whats up?"

"Where are you?" I ask, looking around, the airport was quite busy.

I keep walking until Minho answers.
"Behind you." He says.

I turn around, He was standing there, a bout 10 Meters away. I lick my lips, look at him straight in the face.

"Lee Minho." I start.

I see his smirk from here.

"Yes?" He asks, his eyebrows raised.

I take a deep breath.

"I love you"

His eyes widened at my words, his mouth opened in an O shape, I end the call, put the phone back in my pocket and let out a relieved sigh.
I walk towards him,
Walking faster and faster as I got closer.

When I finally get to him, I immediately jump in his arms, my legs, wrapped around his waist, He immediately dropped his bag and grabbed me, smiling As I held the back of his neck with both my hands.

"I knew it." He brags and smiles.

And he pulls my lips to his,
When he finally kisses my mouth, everything goes oddly quiet, like the moment of silence between lightning and thunder. The thought of people around us staring was the last thing on my mind.
We both slowly open our eyes, both our breath hitting each others faces, our noses slightly touching. I swear I could see sparks flying around us as we stare at each other.


We kiss again. The next kiss is the kind that breaks open the sky. It steals my breath and gives it back. It shows me that he was the one, Minho is the one person that I want to hold, Kiss and live with for the rest of my life.

He's the one I love.

original my Bestfriend [minho ff]Where stories live. Discover now