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Hey, are you asleep?

No, I just have a headache :(

Its normal, you had a stressful day today, are you alright Cat?

Yeah, I'm better, where are you?

I'm in my room, I didn't want to wake you up if you were asleep.

I missed this, messaging you..

I did too, did you take medicine for your headache?

No, I'm too weak to get up

I'll be right there.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Minho came a few minutes later with a glass of water and an Advil for my headache. He opened the door slowly, smiling when he saw me and walked next to my bed.
I sit up, putting the blanket over my legs, and take the Advil and swallow it with the water.

"Thanks, Snow" I say and put the glass on the table next to my bed. He nods his head and sits on the bed, looking at me.
He gently put his hand up to my forehead.

"You're warm." He says.
I bite my lip, flustered by his warm hand on my forehead.

I nod my head slightly, he puts his hand down, taking a deep breath.
"Will you be able to sleep tonight?" He asks,tilting his head.

"I don't know." I answer, honestly.
He sighs and motions me to move.
I push myself a bit toward the left, letting Minho lay down next to me.

he spreads the blanket on top of us,puts one of his arms around my shoulders and his right arm just above my hips.
he rubs his left hand through my hair, massaging my head slightly and humming a song faintly.
My head against his chest. I wrap my arms around his waist and close my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

Maybe it was your laugh,
Or your eyes,
Or your smile,
It could've been your hair,
Or your voice,
Or your personality,
Whatever it was,
It made me fall
Pretty damn hard.

original my Bestfriend [minho ff]Where stories live. Discover now