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Cold that's what woke me. The kind of cold that seeps into your bones. It drags you deeper into sleep. The killing cold. Ha, whatever. I was used to it. Or had been at one time. Back when my life was more death than life. I had felt dead then. I shivered as the cold surrounded me. Sighing I shifted to get more comfortable. A guy could freeze to death out here.
Last night we had been attacked by more Titans. I had gotten separated. Once I ran out of gas, I stayed in this tree. I used my swords to fight anything that came at me. When they were gone, I didn't see any more enemies. I had settled down to wait. Now I frowned up at the stars. They were soon blocked out.
"Damnit, you shut your tracker off. Lucky Hange put infrared on these things!" A grumpy voice bitched at me. I looked up.
"What? You want a personal invitation, get your ass inside. I left my commander to come after your ass!" the woman yelled at me.
"And how is my husband these days?" I demanded as I pulled myself apart from the tree I was sleeping in.
"Currently he is fighting an army of Titans, alone now that he sent me here to get you." The blonde woman yelled as I strapped into her cockpit. Annie had been a new recruit for the Levi squad, but she proved to be better in these machines than nearly everyone. Everyone but my fucking brat.
Eren had earned her respect. Mainly since he fought one legged. She had seen him as a cripple at first. It was how she had met him. But that was a year ago. I spun the ring on my finger. I wasn't going to be separated from him on our anniversary.
The purple and gold machine marched back into battle. They weren't too far from where I had spent the last few hours. At least not far by B.R.A.T standards. I watched the world opening up through the screen. Eren had spent his twenty first birthday in that metal monster.
There were times when I hated that machine. Ever since Reiner, and the other pilot, escaped, Eren seemed hell bent on getting them back.
There was a fire in his eyes that grew daily. Fighting the titans wasn't getting his rage out. As a Lieutenant Commander of the B.R.A.T unit, the new recruits respected him. When they saw he was an amputee, their respect went through the roof. Then they found out just how young he was. These kids couldn't fathom all that had happened to my brat, that made him who he was today.
At least Hange had saved his mother's life. It took her only eight months to figure it out, when daddy had twenty odd years to do it. Carla Yeager just had to meet up with Hange once a year to get an injection. The illness she contracted as a nurse in some over seas war hospital, was held at bay with it. The Yeagers had returned to that country with Hange's cure. Now those who suffered from the same illness were getting the help they need. Of course we all refused to allow Hange to go, we would never get that mad scientist back.
The command B.R.A.T was standing unmoving on a hill. I swear the thing could breath! Eren was facing the rising sun. A new day was dawning. One year ago, Erwin had broken the kid out of rehab. They had kidnapped him to attend his own wedding. Our wedding had been destroyed by these monsters. My husband had been fighting them at my side ever since.
"Lieutenant Commander, I have successfully retrieved Captain Levi." Annie informed her superior.
"Happy anniversary, love. Care for a shower with me?" Eren's cheeky voice came over the intercom.
"Any time brat. Can I ride back to base with you?" I asked. His answer was to open the back of his unit to allow me inside. Annie let me out. No sooner had we gotten back to his cockpit when he ordered the other bot back home.
"Tell Erwin, I will be there to debrief once I reunite with my husband on our anniversary." Eren laughed.
"Ew, gross. Don't get cum stains in the unit! Hange will make you clean it up with your toothbrush!" Annie warned. She marched away. I curled into Eren's lap. His arms held me tightly to him as we kissed.
"You scared the hell out of me, Captain. I saw you chasing that big one and you didn't come back. What happened to you're homing beacon?" Eren asked when I allowed him to talk.
"It got knocked off." I muttered. He laughed.
"Again? Hange is going to surgically implant one inside you." He warned. I reached down to his groin. Laughing he stopped my hand. "Seriously, not inside the unit! The last time my controls were sticky for weeks!" he chuckled.
"Then take me home and fuck me brat." I demanded as I kissed him again.
"Is that an order from my superior officer?" he asked eyebrow arched. Before I could answer we were both yanking the ear comms out.
"YOU BETTER NOT BE FUCKING INSIDE...." Was as far as I let Hange destroy my hearing. Eren snorted as he reconnected to the machine.
"We just wanted to watch the sun rise, Captain. Coming home now." He told her. It took him ten minutes to get back to base. A place we hadn't been in over a month. We had taken three B.R.A.T, s out and the Levi squad to hunt down some of these titans. We still had no idea where they came from or who made them. Not even how they were made. We knew how to destroy them, that was it.
We saw the large sprawling estate come into view. The horses were used to the large machines by now. A few flicked their tails but that was the only recognition we got as they continued to eat. The place looked dead. Usually there was half the garrison here. They had been called back to the cities, about a month before we left. The Titans were showing up there as well. Many wanted the B.R.A.T s to come, but such large machines fighting close to the city didn't make since.
"Where is everyone?" Eren asked me having turned off his comm for a minute.
"You don't think...." I began.
"HANGE!" we both half cried half snarled. I will murder that shitty glasses wearing freak one of these days! I swore.
Sure enough, as soon as the doors opened to allow Eren's command unit inside, we could see them all. The lab was decorated like our wedding, there was a happy 21 banner hanging off of his chair lift. I frowned. She was crazy but I loved that she was our crazy.
Eren stored his unit, opening the back hatch. We rode down in his pilot chair. As we reached the bottom, Armin greeted us with Eren's wheelchair. Hange had offered to get him a power one, but the kid had refused. His arms were stronger than ever, I loved seeing him naked.
He stood carrying me forward. I felt the slight way he shifted favoring his right leg. He sat down, while I still clung to him. Hange attacked his leg.
"It's worse than I thought. The calibration is all off. I need to download the new software, I'll get right..." Eren stopped them.
"Hange, it can wait. Let's enjoy the party. It is my anniversary after all!" he laughed. The party lasted most of the morning. Yes there was drinking, dancing and just plain stupidness by all. I sat back watching as Armin used Eren's back up chair and the two danced together.
"He's grown..." Erwin stated leaning beside me. I sipped my cup muttering about what I want to grow once we got to the showers. Erwin snorted a laugh.
"He's changed you. Married life suits you, Levi Ackerman- Yeager." Erwin pushed off of the wall. "I told you, your nothing like him." He walked away. Oh yeah, my crazy ass uncle was still alive. He had teamed up with Eren's half brother and were working with the master minds behind the titans.
After his dance, Eren found me. He pulled me down to his lap. Kissing me passionately in front of everyone he called out, "Do not disturb us for any reason until tomorrow!" Their laughter and good nature cheers followed us out of the lab. Eren wheeled us to our bedroom.
"Shower or bed?" he asked.
"Shower, bed, sex, sex, more sex and shower again." I commanded.
"Yes sir." Eren chuckled. In the shower, Eren sat on a bench seat. I stood before him, his dick in my hand as our tongues fought inside our mouths. He was so huge. I pressed him back into the wet wall. Wrapping my legs around his waist I heard his groan. It matched my own a second later as I eased him inside me. I had missed him so much.
His hands dug into my waist as he eagerly met me. Taking him completly inside was something I looked forward to now. His thickness filled me. Everything about my brat was perfect. I clung to his shoulders as we both used our arms to slide me up and down on his pole. He was throbbing inside me as he gasped for breath. Breath I wouldn't allow him as we kissed. I felt his foot slip. It hurt a little since I came down harder but damn it had been a long time since I could be with him. I knew when he was getting close. He reached between us to get me off as well.
The shower was built with hand rails for him. He rose up gripping one as he pressed me to the wall. His last few thrusts slammed me repeatedly into the shower wall. We came with loud cries.
"I love you Levi Yeager." He whispered. Yes, I had taken his name. It was a name I wanted, one I deserved since he chose me. In the military I was still known by Ackerman, but with him, he had claimed me completely.
We finished the shower. Eren took us to the bed. I forced him down on it. I was hard already. Seeing my husband naked had turned me on more than I thought it would. Gone was the teenage baby fat, gone was the flabbiness of the average male on the planet. Now he was lean.
His abs were stronger as he had more core strength to get around. His arms were like cords of steel from using the chair. The one real leg he still had was as thick as a tree, there were times he didn't use the chair or his prosthetic in the bedroom.
The first time we had sex after he lost his leg, he had been self conscious of it. I had dominated, like I typically did, I proved to him that missing a limb didn't mean he wasn't human. It didn't mean I didn't love him any less. This fucking brat had stolen my heart mind and soul, and I wasn't taking it back. He was mine as much as I was his.
"On your knees solider." I ordered. Eren did as I demanded. I knelt behind him, opening him up. He was ready for me in only a few minutes. I pressed into him, he gasped. "Levi!" he reared up before me. Sitting down in my lap I hissed as he tightened. He moaned taking my length inside him faster than I had planned. Twisting around he caught my neck. His lips found mine. We were locked together.
As I began to thrust, he circled his ass. We were both moaning from the sensations running through us. Harder and harder we pushed each other. Eren broke away, slamming down on his elbows as he rammed back into me. I slammed him, digging into his sides for a better grip.
When I was close I reached around him. I shoved his hand out of my way. Taking what was mine, I jerked him off as I dominated his body. He was crying my name as he came a moment later.
The day was still young. We didn't have anything to do today. Erwin was here to take command of both our units. Today all I had to do was please my husband. Eren had learned to not be so submissive. If he wanted something, or if he wanted to top, then he took it. I was thrilled with how much he had grown in the bedroom. Even more so since I knew I was the only one who had ever had his body.
He flipped me onto my back. "Time for some payback." He tied my arms above my head. Teasing my body with his mouth and hands I was begging for him but he was relentless. He toyed with my cock. Sucking it, sliding his tongue in the slit. He sucked my balls as he pressed his hand into my hole. I was gasping for air as his mouth found my hard nipples. He knew how to make my body come alive. It only did so for him.
Then, when I was nearly insane from the desire to have him in me, he gave in. Lifting my ankles to his shoulders he rammed me. I cried out his name. His length drove into my depths. He found my spot and assaulted it with his hard pounding cock. This part of my life was good.
My fingers dug into the ties That held me as I arched up. He took control of my ass, filling me with his cum. I cried out again to his own cries above me. It was deep in the night when we collapsed together and fell asleep in each other's arms. I listened to his heartbeat slowing, it lulled me to rest. When I opened my eyes to the morning sunlight, it wasn't just my husband I saw.

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