Taking care

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Levi POV
The next morning I followed Eren into Erwin's office. I held a cup of tea in one hand, Eren's hand in the other. He sat in his spot in the window. I climbed up between his legs. Erwin looked up at us.
"Armin says you want to get killed?" Erwin arched his eyebrow. Eren chuckled behind me.
"That wasn't exactly how I put it." Mikasa, Armin and shitty glasses walked in. They sat in chairs around the room.
"What's your plan?" Erwin asked. I felt Eren shrugged.
"We wait for the Titans to attack again. Then I pretend the command bot fails. I get captured. Levi can be in the bot to follow and report our whereabouts. A Trojan house sort of speak."
"Allow Zeke to not only get you, but Levi and the command bot? Are you insane?" Mikasa asked.
"A little."
"It just has to look like the command bot." I said.
"Oh, yes. I can fill it with gear for the runt and all sorts of toys. Bombs, recoding devices poisonous gas, if they open the wrong compartments..." Hange was looking starry eyed at the possibilities.
"How would you escape?" Erwin always wanted the bottom line.
"I guess when you guys come for me?" Eren offered. Erwin shook his head.
"You know I need something more thought out then that!" Erwin was tapping his chin.
"That's why we are here." Eren stated.
"Hange could you have a fake command bot ready in less than a week?" Erwin asked.
"Oh, yes. But one of the new recruits would be without a bot until I build another one." She offered.
"How long to get them in a node and ready to fight?" he asked as if the rest of us weren't here.
"Well, it depends on how well they take to the node..." Shitty glasses offered.
"Eren three of the five recruits have agreed to be a B.RA.T. pilot correct?" Eyebrows asked.
"Yeah. They did fine in the bots. Need a bit more work on the wires..." Erwin cut him off.
"The Levi Squad will take control of all five recruits, once the three pilots get the nodes placed. They will have a few days to teach them the wires."
"You do know I can only fit at most two others in the bot?" Eren said.
"Yes, in order to hide them well. We do have others who know the wires. But the Levi squad is the best."
"I'll go with Eren." Mikasa piped up.
"No, we will need you to lead the squad." I told her. She glared at me. Armin opened his mouth...
"No, You need to watch over shitty glasses and the pilots." I said. He closed his mouth giving me a no shit look.
"I was going to say, send Jean with you." Armin stated. "That way one of you can try to get outside the unit before they lock it in whatever building they plan to. The other can stay inside, find where they take Eren." He offered.
"Good idea. That way the Levi squad can rally with Jean outside the perimeter." Erwin was pacing.
"So, we are going to allow Zeke to get his hands on Eren?" Mikasa looked at her brother.
"Yes, but I still need to set up a few things." Erwin stated. "All of you leave aside from Armin. Hange get those recruits pilot ready."
"Sir." We all acknowledged as we left. Eren was quite as he walked beside me. We went outside to check on the grounds. Really we just liked going for morning walks. It wasn't often we didn't say much, but it wasn't unheard of. I left the guy to his thoughts, after all he was going to be the meat dangling before the lion.
We were coming back toward the house when Church walked out of the barn. He was wiping a hand across his mouth. He smirked when he saw us. Eren stiffened a little. I glanced between them. Eren bent kissed me and stated he had something he needed to do. He then walked up to Church and dragged him away. I snorted.
Once they were around the side of the barn, I followed.
"... last night." I heard Eren finish saying.
"What? I, uh just went for a walk." Furlan stammered.
"Past our bedroom window? With your dick in your hand?" Eren's tone was light, but I could hear the slight growl under it.
"It's not what..." Eren held up a hand to stop Church.
"I won't tell Levi, but if it happens again..."
"You will tell me, now. What the fuck happened?" I demanded. They both flinched. Church went red. Eren sighed. He whipped his hand over his face.
"I'm dealing with it." He told me.
"My recruit, my husband and apparently my window, what the fuck happened?" I ordered. "If you make me ask again, you will both regret it." I warned. Eren sighed.
"We shut the lights off but forgot to close the curtains..." He began. That's when I recalled he said something about Church having his dick in his hand. I tossed my head back and laughed. The fucking pervert. Church laughed nervously, Eren looked worried.
I moved, kicking up from the side of the building. Eren tried to block Church from me. I was ready for this, sailing over his head. I planted my feet in Church's chest. He staggered back a step before falling. I had punched him three times in the face before he hit the ground. His right eye would go black, his nose was broken and he had a fat lip. Eren caught me, yanking me off of the taller man. I kicked him in the ribs. He rolled to protect his side. I kicked his shin, he howled in pain.
"Levi!?" Eren yelled in my ear.
"You disgusting pervert!" I yelled at Church.
"Levi cool it." Eren pressed me against the barn.
"He saw you naked!" I yelled at Eren. Eren laughed. The fucking brat laughed at me. He didn't stop either. He still held onto me. He then kissed me while laughing. I kicked him in the shin too. He dropped me.
"What are you laughing about!?" I demanded. Church was on the ground curled up in pain watching us. It looked like he was trying to decide which one of us was crazier.
"You. Your insane beautiful mind." Eren laughed as he pulled me to him. He kissed me again. I glared pushing him back. He saw the thunderous look on my face. He snorted shook his head finally managed to calm down to snickers.
"The asshole was masturbating to us fucking and you're only concern was he saw me naked?" he chortled.
"What do I care if he saw me?" I shrugged.
"Well he did see you shove a dildo in your ass." Eren commented.
"What the hell is going on here?" Erwin barked as he came around the corner of the barn. Mikasa was right behind him.
"Just some disciplinary actions." I told him.
"We need every man we have to go against the Titans. I've told you to not use violence to discipline. What the hell did Church do to piss you off?".
"Peeping." Eren offered. Erwin looked at him as if he were speaking another language. I opened my mouth to explain. Erwin held out his hand.
"Church, you will have thirty days of mucking out the horse stalls alone
Get out of my sight before I court-martial you!" He hissed. Church scrambled to his feet. He glanced at Eren bewildered, looked at Erwin as if he wasn't sure about the order, then his eyes swept to me. I growled. He hobbled off trying to run. He through a 'Yes sir' at Erwin.
"Close your damn curtains!" Erwin stalked off. Eren was smiling over at me.
"Insolent brat!" I hissed turning away.
"Levi?" I paused at his tone. There was something...
"No." I growled.
"You don't..." I spun to look at him. Grabbing a handful of his hair, I yanked him down to me. Kissing his lips roughly I snarled.
"You are mine. My responsibility. I've fought enough to be at your side. That ring on your finger is my fucking prize. I'm the one that will be going, or I go after Zeke without you." I told him. His hands went to my waist. He pulled me into him.
"You know I love you." He whispered. "I fought just as hard to be with you." I felt him shiver. "I don't want anything to happen to you." He whispered.
"Then don't do anything stupid." I told him. He snorted.
"Stupid's my middle name." He teased.
"Really, I thought it was brat." We kissed again. Eren went off to Hange's lab to look over his recruits as they got the nodes put in. I went to train the squad. Church was with us. To my shock Jean, Marco, Annie and Petra also joined us.
"If Eren is going to do something stupid, then we all need to be ready to back him up." Jean stated.
"Mikasa ordered us here for extra training." Petra explained.
"Trail by combat. Church is the target." I looked over to the man. "You need to evade them. Not get caught, if you can, take them out. The more you sideline the higher your score. The longer you escape capture, the higher your score. Just so you know, your going to be the target for a long time." I ordered
We gridded out the training ground so everyone knew where we would be. Giving Church a five minute heads start. We set out. Connie caught him thirty three seconds past the five minutes. We did this for the rest of the day. The longest Church evaded capture was four minutes and thirty five seconds. He only managed to engage Olo. He thought he snuck up on him. Olo quickly showed him just what being a member of the Levi squad actually meant. He had the younger man in cuffs within twenty nine seconds. It was after dark before I allowed any of them to go eat. I found Eren watching the monitors of his recruits. His eyes glued to Krista's the girl appeared to be having a rough time of it. I held out a plate of food and more coffee. Absently he took it.

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