To make a life

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Eren POV

I woke to find the bed beside me empty. It wasn't an unusual occurrence. With a smirk, I pulled myself from the bed. I slipped into my wheelchair. Moving to the door, I opened it. There he was, my husband. He hadn't heard me yet. I watched as he stood in the doorway across the hall from our bedroom. He wore his white uniform shirt and pants. The straps for his gear hung loose around his waist and upper thighs. At the angle he was standing I could see he had the shirt undone at least part way. His arms were folded over his chest making his back tight. He was growing stronger.

His dark head leaned against the door frame. The hall light shined into the dark room he was staring into. I pushed myself up beside him. Reaching up I took his hand. He unfolded his arms. One landed on my opposite shoulder. I felt him shift his weight to lean against me.

"They don't deserve to grow up with war all around them." He stated. The triplets slept as we watched. With Erwin and Pixus' help we managed to adopt the now six month old babies. We named them Rose, for the girl and Rivaille and Ren for the boys. Rivaille took to Levi as if he were his real father. If Levi wasn't there when the baby woke, no amount of comfort would satisfy the child until his father came to see him. Levi was the only one who could feed him breakfast. It was like my husband was the babies drug of choice. Once he had his fix he was fine until it was time to go to bed at night. Only Levi could tuck him in.

Rose had taken to Armin, but she liked us as well. It was cute how she would giggle and hold her arms out for my best friend. Armin would dance around with her, laughing the entire time. Ren, was quiet. He tended to watch others. He enjoyed sitting on my lap just observing people. He really liked it when I wheeled him around in my chair. They each had their own personalities.

"Is, has Hange decided?" I whispered. Levi ran a hand across the back of my neck where the command node was.

"Removing this will be their last act as our resident mad scientist. They already have a job lined up in the private sector." Levi stated. Hange and her father had been working around the clock to figure out how to remove the nodes safely. They also designed a new why to control the bots with out the nodes. It was still a nerolink, but the nodes weren't necessary for the connection. The bots were all being switched over to the new way. No more soldiers would have to undergo the node placement.

"What about you?" I asked.

"My family comes first, Eren." Levi stated. "I have some feelers out for jobs, but I've been thinking."

"That's dangerous." I chuckled he slapped me. "Ass." I muttered.

"And a fine one I have." I saw the corner of his mouth twitch up. I shook my head.

"I've been thinking." He held a finger up to stop any smart comments from me. "I want to open my own business."

"The tea shop?" I asked.

"Yes, and no. The tea/ coffee shop would be a part of it, but I was thinking security as well."

"I don't need your handouts, Levi." I growled. Lately we had been fighting over just what I could do as work in the civilian life. I knew he was going to do the tea shop to give me a job. Honestly, I wasn't sure what I wanted. It was part of the reason I chose to stay in the military.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Levi yelled. I snagged his arm dragging him back across the hall. We had shifted some people around to have this room for the kids.

"I don't know, but running a tea shop isn't it. Maybe I will go back to school."

"Academia was never your strong suit. You have always been more physical." His eye went to my stump.

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