What tangled lives we lead?

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Eren POV
The window behind Armin blew inward. I leapt to the end of the bed catching the man in my arms. Blood trickled from a wound on his head. We slide to the floor, as I yanked the pillow case off to press it to the open wound, I felt something curl around my waist. The door reopened. A flash of a sword, struck out. I raised my hand. The sword struck the straps on my wrist brace. The command bot control fell away to clunk beside Armin on the floor. The white tiles were falling away swiftly.
"Look after him!" I yelled at Church. Armin was unconscious. The sight of him laying there alone on the cold floor, eyes closed and blood pouring from his head had my heart racing. Levi? It was a passing thought. He didn't have his gear on when he left. Well, I guess I'm doing this without him. Just stay safe. I cast the thought like a net to find my husband.
Before I was thrust into a wet prison, I saw Church flying up out of the hospital. Can't this bitch take orders! I cried. The Titan's mouth closed over me. I clung to its tooth so it wouldn't swallow me. The thick wet tongue pushed me against the side of his cheek. Must be brother dearest wanted me alive. I guess I could live with that.
I heard the sounds of battle outside. I had no way of communicating with anyone. If Church was following, then my hopes of a rescue were slim. I was on my own. Guess Erwin was right, my luck ran out and I didn't even know if my best friend was going to be alive when I got back. Because, I vowed to myself then and there, that I was coming back. I would show them that their faith in me would be justified. That I loved Levi more than anything. I would be back.
It was only as I tried to maneuver for a better grip that something far worse was in store. I tried pushing up with both my legs, yet I didn't have both. My left leg was gone below my knee. They let me sleep in the hospital without my prosthetic! How the fuck did shit go down this horribly! Was Erwin some sort of psychic? I fumed as the journey in this wet and smelly prison wore on. I couldn't hear anything from outside now. Either the battle ended, or more likely, this Titan just walked out of it. It had gotten its prize, so no need to stick around.
I laid my head on my arm. Clinging to the tooth, I dozed for a bit. The drugs or whatever was used to allow me to mind walk with Isabell still had me feeling groggy. After sometime I lifted my head. The tongue had released me. A finger was poking around to scoop me out of the huge mouth I was in. I felt like a piece of wilted lettuce. As I emerged from the prison, I looked around. Hange would love this place.
It was beyond state of the art. There was a ton of things I couldn't even put thought to let alone name. Everything was white, chrome or blue. Lights flashed, sounds swirled, pinged and beeped. It was like being inside some arcade game. The hand lowered me to a bed. As it let me go, I fell the last inch of so, the thing disintegrated. I coughed brushing the dirt off of me. Being wet, it clung to my clothing. Disgusting. If Levi could see me now! I chuckled.
"You find this funny?" a man's voice asked. It was kind of high pitched a bit girly. I looked up. There before me was Zeke. He had the same blue eyes as our father. His sandy blond hair hung over a wide forehead. His glasses sparkled in the over head florescent lighting. His nose was bent slightly, he obviously broke it at some point. He was taller than I thought he would be. His lips were a hard thin line.
"I think being transported here inside a things mouth and then having it explode covering me in its dust is disgusting. I was laughing at how absurd it was." I commented. "Look, I know you want to interrogate me before allowing your pet titans to tear me apart, but can I shower first? Maybe steal some clean clothing?" I asked.
"You Insolent little..." I held up my hand as Zeke raged at me.
"Only my husband gets to call me a brat!" I snarled.
"Ass!" Zeke fumed. He spun on his heels.
"Showers are over there. The towels are in the locker when you first go in. There are clean scrubs in the other locker." He turned to look at me over his thin shoulder. "Good luck getting there." He snorted. I flipped him off as I pretended to push up nonexistent glasses. He frowned, but walked out of the room.
With a sigh, I hoped down from the table. Gripping the edge I looked down. The floors here weren't cement, like Hange's lab. These were bust your ass slippery fucking tiles. My foot was wet from that things saliva. Son of bitch! I fumed. I swore I was going to beat Erwin's ass for that luck comment. I was blaming him for this shit.
I yanked my shirt off. Sitting back down I used the inside of the shirt to dry my bare foot as much as possible. Throwing the shirt back on the table I hopped toward the showers. There were tables of equipment, chairs and walls jutting out that separated different sections of this lab. I used whatever I could reach to keep my balance.
As I rounded one of the tables I wanted to hit myself in the face. The chairs had fucking wheels on them. I sat down in one and used it with my right foot to propel me across the rest of the floor. The wheel hit the spongey rubber mat before the entrance to the shower. I got up. Yanking two towels and a wash cloth from the first locker, I found a set of green scrubs in the other. I snagged these. I managed to get to the first stall. Hanging the clothing and towel up on a hook, I slipped into the shower. Tossing my dirty shorts up over the top of the stall I let the water run down my back.
Levi? I thought. I'm sorry. I sighed as I wiped at the tears on my face. Now wasn't the time to cry for him. I would see him soon. I began to wash up.
(Levi POV)
"Where's Eren?" I asked. After I said that stupid shit to him, I walked out. I left him there vulnerable. I heard the attack. Did I run to protect my husband, no! I fucking ran for my gear. Once on, it was too late. Hange had found Armin out cold on the floor in Eren's room. Church and Eren were gone.
We fought the Titans. I didn't know which one may hold Eren, so I was being careful not to destroy them. That was my first mistake. These were huge. No wonder it had been so long since an attack. Zeke was growing monster sized ones.
As I flew around on the wires, I ordered my team to distract, not kill them. One had Eren and we didn't know which one. It was Marco who realized we could work in pairs. One person kill the Titan while the other swooped through the dust in case Eren was there and was falling. Now with a plan, we had paired up.
Mikasa had come to me. But she was too late. I cut the head off a Titan, I didn't see the other one behind it. It's huge claw like hand swatted me away. My wires broke. I was flying off course. The trees were behind me. Even if I could anchor my last line, there was nothing to connect to. My gas was out long ago. I used it up evading these things. I was screwed and flying to wherever this thing batted me. How was this different than Eren's recklessness at going into save a kids life?
Something had tugged me from behind. It slowed my momentum, changing my course slightly. I saw something ahead of me, something that could save my life. I flung my last anchor out to the pole beside the horse coral. It whipped me around, flinging me in a new direction. The force jerking my head sideways. I felt a pain along my neck and down my back. I couldn't think about it. I had managed to get on track to land in the huge hay pile we used to feed the horses. I cut the anchor free. I feel into the mound of dirty shit smelling hay. This was the used hay pile. I gaged, but couldn't move.
I tried to get my arms under me. With great struggle, I managed to roll over. At least I could breath. "This is Captain Levi, I'm down and hurt." I told the others. Marco and Krista swung down near me.
"I think that last turned cranked my neck. I can't move." I told the tall good looking kid.
"Stay with him, I'll go get a board." Marco ordered the small girl. Once he was away, she glared down at me.
"Eren is smarter and more resourceful than you know. Did you know he managed to escape the kings dungeon's?" She fumed, folding her arms over her small breasts to glare at me.
"Did he have the princesses help?" I growled.
"Who do you think locked him I there?" she smirked. Marco came back. He rolled me onto a board. He carried my head and Krista my feet. They took me to Hange. She examined me. Told me the paralysis wouldn't be permanent but I had tweaked my spinal cord. I was stuck in bed.
"He's un accounted for. As is Church and Kristen." Erwin informed me.
"Jean and Furlan went after him?" I asked. I was sitting up. Already I could move my arms thanks to the huge ass foam brace around my neck.
"It appears that way. We haven't heard from any of them yet." He was frowning.
"What aren't you telling me?" I demanded. Erwin huffed out a sigh. He tossed something onto the bed. I picked up Eren's wedding ring. Tears stung my eyes.
"I don't think he took it off willingly." Erwin stated. He moved beside my bed and laid the wrist command brace in my lap. "I think he was making sure Zeke didn't get this. The ring must have slipped off when this came free." He said. I closed the golden ring into my palm.
"Erwin, the shit I said to him..." I gasped.
"Yeah, been thinking that myself." He muttered.
"He doesn't have his leg. How the hell will he escape?" I asked the celling.
"I don't know." Erwin sank to the chair. He laid his head on the bed beside me. "Why did I have to tell him that shit about luck!" he bemoaned.
"It wasn't as bad as me telling him we shouldn't have gotten married yet." I muttered. Erwin lifted his eyes.
"Oh, Levi, you didn't..." His sky blue eyes met mine. I gave him a small nod. He lifted my hand in his large one.
"I swear we will get him back. Even if I have to take command of that God blasted bot myself." Erwin vowed. The cold look in his eyes, the jut of his proud jaw, I knew he was taking this to heart.
"How long until I can fight?" I asked.
"Doctor and Mrs. Yeager are being brought here. Your out of this one, at least physically. Let me be your body." He stood looking down at me.
"What you want me to be the brains of this? Of so, you might as well dig two graves because you will be burying Eren and me!" I snarled at him. Erwin smirked.
"Don't be such an ass." He ordered me.
"How's Hange holding up?" I asked.
"She blames herself. She was in the process of switching the controls of the command bot to the fake one, therefore when Eren called for the bot, it didn't respond. She thinks its her fault he was taken."
"And Armin?" When those blue eyes dropped below mine, I knew the news wasn't good.
"Hange said the surgery was successful. She stopped the brain bleed, but he hasn't woken yet." Erwin explained. I sighed pressing back imto the pillow.
"Eren doesn't know..." I whispered.
"Captain, Levi, anyone, can you read me?" Church's voice came out of the com link on Erwin's shirt
"This is Commander Smith." Erwin answered.
"Jean has eyes on Eren. He's alive. We know where he is. We know were the titans are coming from." Erwin turned his back on me to head out the door.
"Send coordinates." He was saying as he reached the door.
"Smith, make this room your goddamn headquarters!" I bellowed he waved me off.

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