What is meant to be...

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Erwin POV

"I'm going to check on her, hold the fort." I tossed the comlink to Levi. He looked worried. I walked out. Armin would stay with the captain. I walked down to the lab. Hange was bent over her desk, shoulders shaking. I could hear her cries from here. Many would think with her daily dramatic outbursts she would be a loud crier, the opposite was true.

I had met the scrawny knobby kneed teen when she was thirteen. She had befriended Levi at school. He brought her home one day, or more like she just followed him. I knew then that the kid cared for her. Not in any romantic way. Maybe he even pitied her a little. She had no friends, her father had abandoned them and she was super smart if not super clingy. She was what he needed to get over his own messed up life.

In her unique way, she helped him. Hange Zoe had forced her way into Levi's life. Once there she made it her mission to never be pushed out of it. I don't know all that went on between the two of them over the years, but I did know, the bond they shared was stronger than any blood. They would die for each other, but neither would admit it.

I placed a hand on her shoulder. She hiccupped trying to stop crying. "I know you've had a lot to deal with regarding your fathers disappearance." I began. "Look, I'm not him, I don't know how you guys deal with each other. But I know he wants to be here." I knew she understood what I meant.

"Its different for people like him and I." She whispered. "Levi, we... understand... certain things about life. I know I annoy him..." She chuckled.

"And he acts like he hates it." I smirked. Moblit came out with a glass in his hand. I was not all that great at comforting people. I walked over to the command bot. Looking up at it I recalled the time, seeing it walk into battle when we thought Eren would never return to us, how it had brought hope to Levi and I that night.

What was it about Eren Yeager that drew so many to him? This bot was a representation of its pilot. To have it fight again, to even see it walk onto a field of battle, brought hope to all that saw it, why? Was it because they all knew the guy that commanded it would give his life for anyone of them? Was it because, Eren would never leave a solider out in the cold? Or was it the very fact that it was him? This robot held the very essence of its pilot. Eren Yeager, no matter where you are, I swear on all that's holy, I will bring you back, not just to him, but to all of them! I vowed to a hunk of, currently, useless metal.

I glanced over to see Moblit hugging Hange. This surprised me. Our faithful doctor didn't take to people as quickly as she had Levi, or I. For Moblit to be in such a close personal space, there was something this recruit had that many others lacked. When I saw her raise her face upwards to look at the handsome young man, my jaw hit the floor. They were kissing!

Hange's long thin arms encircled the man's neck. He held her tightly to him. It was like she was a lifeline for him, or he was her anchor in this chaotic storm she found herself in. Wait, Hange was into men? Why did this blow my mind? I turned away to give them privacy. It wasn't my place to figure out their relationship. Hange deserved all the happiness she could find.

My eyes went back to scrutinizing the command bot. Something stuck in my head. I had come home from school, I was working at the military school and was home on break. I got there a day before anyone expected me. Levi and Hange were in the kitchen talking. Levi mentioned what it was Hange's father did. My god! My brain began to connect the dots.

"Your father was into genetics too, wasn't he?" I asked. Hange tuened to look at me. Her head bobbed. "Hange. I think I'm realizing something." I whispered.She tilted her head, her mind following my led. I rubbed my hands together.

"Oh my God, he's dying!" Hange cried. Our eyes locked.

"If he needs Eren's DNA what does that mean for the host?" I asked. Hange blinked, looking thoughtful.

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